So had the V2 a couple of months and apart from the ACC going a bit weird( in one part of the country only) it has been faultless. That was until 4 days ago when the the infotainment system has become a PITA. There was no update prior to it going up its own bum and no matter how many resets, log in's, user setting changes, it just wont behave.
Issues that have been problematic are:
Heated seat coming on itself when no one sitting in it.
Wont load/change user.
Camera intermittent.
Volume slider not working.
Dash display reverting to standard view intermittently.
And the usual ACC/mph/kph issue.
So much for the MY22 being improved.
Software 1804, Display unit - 6074.
Booked into the dealer for "we will have a look but these new cars are like big computers and get glitches" F*#K OFF. (had this with the VZ Edition).