ALso coming up to 1000 miles and the car is now seriously vocal. Not sure what the fuss about the exhaust being loud is. It is almost as loud (not obnoxious) as my brothers M140i with a res delete. The M140i has a valved exhaust and the cupra is still louder than the m140i unles the BMW is in sport mode with the valve open.I hope everyone that's received their cars recently are enjoying it as much as I am! 11 days in, almost 1000 miles done and I absolutely love this car! @Betts-4 hopefully you get your car soon!
For those that are waiting for their cars to be built, not trying to be the bearer of bad news but just came across this article about possible delays due to the Corona virus.
I said I'd leave the car for 3-5000 miles before considering a res delete. I wouldn't want to do a res delete now and for the car to continue to get louder and become obnoxious. Also, driving along at 70MPH there is a little drone, don't want to increase that with a res delete.
Overall the engine note is lovely, a nice deep sound with a little rasp when the engine is under work and DSG farts. Compared to the stock bmw, it is miles nicer. The stock BMW had very very soft pops, it at all, and definitely no farts on upshift. The now res deleted bmw sounds rather tinny but also obnoxiously loud with its exhaust cracks, still no farts.
If its pops bangs and farts you want, then the stock cupra 290 can do it, even with the PPF. I even get them in comfort mode and have had several pops in eco mode too.
THis last few days I have had the gearbox in sport mode to try and gradually increase the rev range the car is being exposed too. Nothing silly yet but the car has suprised rather arrogant audi/bmw/vw drivers already.