Went for a drive tonight and tried the launch control for the first time.
Of all the words to describe the occasion, 'control' would be last on the list, it was awful. Bounced off the limiter in first, bounced off the limiter in second then once into 3rd it gripped and went. Must have taken me nearly 10 seconds to get to 60. Might give it another go once I have the torque arm insert and decent rubber on but on the whole it was very dissappointing. I didn't buy the car for getting off the line but did expect it to be better.
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Its hard to do lanch control,but when you get used to it,its fine.You need good asphalt,and if you go with full on gas pedal,you will get wheel spin.I usually stay on half of gas pedal till 40-60 km/h to get good grip then on full.Few times I get 5,5 sec,but it could be better with practice.I got 3700 km with car,and already 3-4 mm of front tyres and gone.2 days ago police got me on radar 178 km/h
and restriction is 50 km/h.Usually people drive there around 80-120,in 1 hour they made around 200 tickets.Luckly my friend was working that day and he deleted my picture.
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