My Silver K1 & Track 172 Cup

Erm cage is in, just need to get more welding wire to finish the welding, seat runners are cut out and new ones ready to go in. All sound deadening is out. Its taking a while but its getting there.
What other bits have you ordered? 4 pots be good! Im gonna be getting 6 pots :)

Seat rails I think is what I'm gunna need for sure to get the seat low enough to dodge the cage and fit me in better haha
Wish you was nearer me could do with some welding doing ;)

Yeah would be good, need em as big as poss but still under 15s, and wanna try and get away without using spacers:confused:confused: if I can.

6 pots would be good thought about changing my APs for 6 pots when my Ibiza was alive, but the APs were amazing :) lol

Oh just brought a few bits and bobs:)

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Sep 15, 2012
I wish i was closer too. You dont hear of much people doing so much work to a car up here like what you do further south/england.
Aye i just hop the 6 pots wont be too much with no abs and as light as i can make the car haha.
Purchases look good... Something ive never thought about is the roof scoop, may be worth while me looking into it to keep the me nice and cool in the car ;). Your certainly not holding back haha


Racing 2020VT
Jun 22, 2004
That must be it. I hear of some people who modify for rally etc but nothing just track based if you know what i mean.

Aye there's loads hiden away. Heaps of SMRC and SLS cars as well.

Chambers, whats the master plan for the Clio? Track car/ Race car?
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That's light :)

Nice splitter, that's one that i wouldn't mind trying out with mine.

Thanks, I don't think it will fit Ibiza tbh, I've still got my splitter from the Ibiza and its the shape for the clio?! Lol

carbon fibre bonnet to match your plastic front end :yes:

Don't tempted me haha, been looking at fibreglass bonnets, boots and doors :doh:


What have you made the splitter out of mate?

It's 2 sheets of aluminium with composite in the middle made by CM Composite
Sep 15, 2012
Clios looking the business! Just needs a turbo or something ;)
Looks like the k1 has certainly recovered from being missing too, cleans up nicely!
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