This thread started off as me asking if someone had used te tuning box I was interested in, before I bought it, but everyone said don't get a tuning box etc but I said I want to try it out as with a remap you don't have the choice of tuning it off without paying to get it removed. After getting my car on a RR it was then made known to me that my car had already been remapped which is really surprising as I didn't know about it seeing that I bought it 2011 from a dealer when it was just 1 year old. So that meant that the box could not work allot side the remap on my car so I returned the box, I'll give the box another try later on once I find out what map is in my car or when I get another car either way I still like the freedom to just remove it when I want. Or the other solution is to get a car that I can chose what I like, like sports mode or comfort mode a Bently Contonental GT Speed 2 would be nice if someone wants to get one for me hahaha