Logged these in 4th gear as you were saying...i changed the plugs, fuel filter and air filter since the last logs.
There still seems to be timing pull any ideas?
I also logged 001, 112, 030 like you were saying 8bit im not sure what these values should be at so im looking into a hole with that one im sure you will know more!
There still seems to be timing pull any ideas?
I also logged 001, 112, 030 like you were saying 8bit im not sure what these values should be at so im looking into a hole with that one im sure you will know more!
Group A: '003 Group B: '115 Group C: '020
Engine Speed Mass Air Flow Throttle Valve Angle Ignition Engine Speed Engine Load Boost Pressure Boost Pressure Timing Retardation Timing Retardation Timing Retardation Timing Retardation
TIME (G28) Sensor (G70) Timing Angle TIME (G28) (specified) (actual) TIME Cylinder 1 Cylinder 2 Cylinder 3 Cylinder 4
Marker STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC STAMP /min % mbar mbar STAMP °KW °KW °KW °KW
0.27 2440 13.64 9.4 33 0.57 2440 30.1 1000 1020 0.87 0 0 0 0
1.19 2440 14.06 9.4 32.3 1.47 2440 30.8 1000 1020 1.77 0 0 0 0
2.08 2520 49.14 97.3 21 2.38 2560 100 2390 1260 2.68 0 0 0 0
2.98 2720 77.14 100 12.8 3.28 2800 148.9 2410 1860 3.58 0 0 0 0
3.89 3000 133.58 100 -0.8 4.19 3120 191.7 2430 2540 4.49 0 0 0 0
4.79 3400 152.22 99.6 3 5.09 3560 191.7 2490 2540 5.38 0 0 0 3
5.7 3800 164.94 100 6 6 3920 191.7 2550 2540 6.3 3 3 0 3
6.6 4200 170.92 100 3 6.9 4320 191.7 2550 2540 7.2 3 6 3 5.3
7.51 4560 182.69 100 4.5 7.81 4640 191.7 2550 2500 8.11 6 6 6 5.3
8.41 4880 186.89 100 5.3 8.71 4920 191.7 2550 2410 9.01 6 5.3 6 8.3
9.32 5120 193.25 100 3 9.62 5240 191.7 2540 2300 9.92 5.3 5.3 5.3 8.3
10.22 5400 196.94 100 3 10.52 5480 188.7 2540 2290 10.82 5.3 4.5 8.3 7.5
11.13 5640 198.92 100 4.5 11.44 5680 187.2 2540 2230 11.73 8.3 7.5 8.3 7.5
12.03 5840 201.19 100 5.3 12.33 5880 185.7 2520 2150 12.64 8.3 7.5 7.5 7.5
12.94 6000 199.36 100 9 13.24 6080 169.2 2470 2170 13.54 7.5 6.8 7.5 6.8
13.85 6200 201.28 99.6 9.8 14.14 6240 177.4 2440 2090 14.45 7.5 6.8 7.5 6.8
14.75 6360 200.61 100 12 15.05 6400 166.9 2400 2060 15.35 6.8 6.8 6.8 9
15.65 6520 200.31 100 13.5 15.95 6560 154.1 2270 2130 16.27 6.8 6 6.8 9
16.57 6680 198.25 99.2 14.3 16.86 6720 155.6 2200 2110 17.16 6 9 6 8.3
17.46 6800 201.28 100 13.5 17.77 6840 159.4 1960 2200 18.07 6 9 6 8.3
Wednesday 29 May 2013 21:41:39:32264 VCDS Version: Release 11.11.3 Data version: 20120401
1ML 906 032 A 1.8l R4/5VT 0001
Group A: '001 Group B: '030 Group C: '112
Engine Speed Coolant Lambda Control Basic Setting Bank 1 Bank 1 Bin. Bits Bin. Bits Exhaust Gas Enrichment Factor Bin. Bits Bin. Bits
TIME (G28) Temperature (G62) Bank 1 Requirements TIME Sensor 1 Sensor 2 TIME Temperature Bank 1 Sensor Bank 1
Marker STAMP /min °C % STAMP STAMP °C %
0.6 2400 91 3.9 11101001 0.01 11 110 0.29 655 0
1.51 2400 91 3.1 11101001 0.9 111 11 1.21 655 0
2.41 2560 91 0 11100001 1.8 10 110 2.1 655 0
3.32 2800 91 0.8 11101001 2.72 10 10 3.02 655 0
4.22 3120 92 3.9 11101001 3.62 11 110 3.92 675 0
5.12 3560 92 11.7 11101001 4.52 111 10 4.83 720 0
6.03 3960 92 8.6 11101001 5.43 111 110 5.73 790 0
6.94 4320 92 3.1 11101001 6.34 11 10 6.64 835 0
7.84 4680 93 -0.8 11101001 7.24 11 110 7.54 865 0
8.75 4960 93 -0.8 11101001 8.15 11 110 8.45 890 0
9.65 5240 93 -3.1 11101001 9.05 111 110 9.35 905 0
10.56 5480 95 -2.3 11101001 9.96 11 110 10.26 925 4.3
11.46 5720 95 0 11100001 10.86 10 110 11.16 940 12.2
12.37 5920 95 0 11100001 11.77 10 110 12.07 945 18
13.28 6080 96 0 11100001 12.67 10 110 12.97 940 19.6
14.19 6280 96 0 11100001 13.58 10 110 13.89 935 19.6
15.1 6440 96 0 11100001 14.48 10 110 14.78 930 18.4
15.99 6600 96 0 11100001 15.39 10 10 15.69 930 18.8
16.91 6760 96 0 11100001 16.29 10 110 16.6 925 18.4
17.8 6840 95 0 11100001 17.21 10 10 17.5 925 17.6
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