Stage 2 /2 + issues with logs


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
afternoon all

I recently had my car mapped to what the mapper classes as stage 3 but hardware wise it compares to stage 2 + with revo and apr. The map is from a local mapper so not from the big 2 mentioned.

The issue

I seem to have an issue when on WOT between 2500rpm - 4800rpm. The car seem to boost then flutters, i can hear what sounds like the dump valve opening and closing ( i have the forge atmospheric BOV), it feels like i also get loss of power between this rpm. Once i get to around 5k the car pulls very very well. I got VCDS today and used the measuring blocks that apr site recommends but this is where my knowledge ends. Could someone have a look and let me know what they think, is there anything obviously that stands out ? All runs where in 3rd...roads are wet so there is wheel spin.

		G001	F0	G014	F2	G031	F0	G054	F2	G054	F3	G101	F2	G103	F0	G114	F3	G115	F2	G115	F3	G230	F0	G230	F1
Marker	TIME	Group 1 - Field 0	TIME	Group 14 - Field 2	TIME	Group 31 - Field 0	TIME	Group 54 - Field 2	TIME	Group 54 - Field 3	TIME	Group 101 - Field 2	TIME	Group 103 - Field 0	TIME	Group 114 - Field 3	TIME	Group 115 - Field 2	TIME	Group 115 - Field 3	TIME	Group 230 - Field 0	TIME	Group 230 - Field 1	
	STAMP	Engine Speed	STAMP	Misfire - Sum Counter	STAMP	Lambda Sensor - Current Value	STAMP	Sender 2 for - Acc. Pedal Pos.	STAMP	Throttle Drive - Angle Sensor 1	STAMP	Median - injection timing	STAMP	Current - Fuel Pressure	STAMP	Wastegate (N75) - Duty Cycle	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (specified)	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (actual)	STAMP	Rail Pressure - (specified)	STAMP	Rail Pressure - (actual)	
		 /min						 %		 %		 ms		 bar		 %		 mbar		 mbar		 bar		 bar	
	0.16	1760	0.26	0	0.3	0.91	0.35	52.5	0.35	20.8	0.4	2.81	0.44	4.45	0.01	0	0.06	420	0.06	1020	0.11	60.02	0.11	59.44	
	0.69	1920	0.78	0	0.83	1.05	0.87	92.2	0.87	99.2	0.93	3.57	1.03	4.5	0.53	94.9	0.6	2030	0.6	1030	0.64	66.89	0.64	68.09	
	1.22	2160	1.31	0	1.36	1.02	1.41	99.6	1.41	99.6	1.46	4.08	1.55	4.58	1.07	94.9	1.13	2240	1.13	1200	1.17	74.02	1.17	74.53	
	1.8	2440	1.84	0	1.89	0.95	1.94	93.3	1.94	99.6	1.99	5.1	2.09	4.55	1.6	94.9	1.66	2330	1.66	1460	1.71	81.07	1.71	82.41	
	2.33	2880	2.38	0	2.43	0.94	2.47	87.1	2.47	99.6	2.57	7.14	2.61	4.53	2.13	87.1	2.19	2350	2.19	1880	2.23	87.53	2.23	89.23	
	2.86	3400	2.9	0	2.95	0.91	3	94.5	3	99.2	3.1	8.93	3.14	4.51	2.66	59.6	2.72	2510	2.72	2640	2.77	89.65	2.77	93.54	
	3.39	4120	3.44	0	3.49	1.99	3.54	96.9	3.54	37.3	3.64	5.87	3.68	4.92	3.18	49.4	3.25	2050	3.25	2540	3.35	89.65	3.35	90.06	
	3.93	4040	3.98	0	4.03	0.77	4.13	99.6	4.13	99.2	4.18	4.84	4.22	4.7	3.75	12.9	3.79	1870	3.79	1620	3.89	95.2	3.89	112.32	
	4.48	4360	4.52	0	4.58	0.84	4.67	99.6	4.67	99.6	4.72	7.4	4.76	4.33	4.29	44.3	4.33	2210	4.33	1640	4.43	103.22	4.43	90.52	
	5.01	4920	5.05	0	5.11	0.8	5.2	99.6	5.2	99.6	5.24	9.69	5.29	4.06	4.83	60.8	4.92	2510	4.92	2520	4.96	102.85	4.96	115.02	
	5.54	5440	5.59	0	5.7	0.89	5.74	99.6	5.74	99.6	5.79	11.48	5.84	4.19	5.36	65.5	5.45	2530	5.45	2560	5.5	101.55	5.5	121.38	
	6.09	6200	6.14	0	6.24	0.85	6.29	99.6	6.29	98.4	6.34	11.22	6.38	4.63	5.9	80.4	6	2270	6	2460	6.04	101.55	6.04	68.63	
	6.64	5960	6.69	0	6.78	0.77	6.84	99.6	6.84	29.4	6.88	5.36	6.95	5.23	6.5	87.5	6.54	1600	6.54	2560	6.59	102.78	6.59	88.74	
	7.18	6440	7.27	0	7.32	0.83	7.37	99.6	7.37	64.3	7.42	8.67	7.48	5.29	7.04	66.3	7.09	2030	7.09	2860	7.13	110.73	7.13	122.86	
	7.72	6760	7.81	0	7.87	0.86	7.92	99.6	7.92	99.2	7.97	8.93	8.08	5.25	7.57	70.6	7.62	2210	7.62	2290	7.67	111.34	7.67	122.65	
	8.33	7080	8.37	0	8.43	0.73	8.48	0	8.48	18	8.6	0	8.65	5.46	8.13	66.7	8.18	2260	8.18	2230	8.22	111.34	8.22	117.98	
	8.88	5680	8.93	0	8.98	1.99	9.02	0	9.02	11.4	9.14	0	9.18	6.2	8.7	0	8.74	290	8.74	1570	8.84	127.67	8.84	127.67	
	9.41	3360	9.46	0	9.5	1.99	9.6	0	9.6	7.8	9.66	0	9.71	6.66	9.22	0	9.27	300	9.27	1160	9.36	127.12	9.36	127.12	
	9.94	3200	9.99	0	10.04	1.99	10.13	0	10.13	7.8	10.19	0	10.24	6.91	9.75	0	9.79	300	9.79	1090	9.89	126.59	9.89	126.59	
	10.47	3160	10.52	0	10.56	1.99	10.66	0	10.66	7.5	10.72	0	10.77	7.05	10.29	0	10.38	300	10.38	1070	10.42	126.16	10.42	126.16

Marker	TIME	Group 1 - Field 0	TIME	Group 3 - Field 3	TIME	Group 20 - Field 0	TIME	Group 22 - Field 1	TIME	Group 22 - Field 2	TIME	Group 31 - Field 0	TIME	Group 54 - Field 2	TIME	Group 101 - Field 2	TIME	Group 114 - Field 2	TIME	Group 115 - Field 3	TIME	Group 230 - Field 1
	STAMP	Engine Speed	STAMP	Ignition - Timing Angle	STAMP	Cylinder 1 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Engine Load	STAMP	Cylinder 1 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Lambda Sensor - Current Value	STAMP	Sender 2 for - Acc. Pedal Pos.	STAMP	Median - injection timing	STAMP	Engine Load - (actual Value)	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (actual)	STAMP	Rail Pressure - (actual)
		 /min		 °BTDC		°KW		 %		°KW				 %		 ms		 %		 mbar		 bar
	0.17	2080	0.22	12.8	0.32	0	0.36	68.4	0.36	0	0.4	1.01	0.46	61.2	0.51	2.81	0.63	87.2	0.01	1100	0.13	85.03
	0.76	2280	0.87	19.5	0.91	0	0.95	102.3	0.95	0	1	1	1.1	89.4	1.16	3.83	1.21	115.8	0.67	1190	0.72	94.78
	1.4	2680	1.45	12.8	1.5	-3	1.54	139.8	1.54	-3	1.64	0.92	1.7	96.5	1.75	5.61	1.79	163.9	1.26	1540	1.31	107.43
	1.98	3160	2.03	-2.3	2.08	-3	2.16	191.7	2.16	-3	2.22	0.84	2.26	94.1	2.31	8.16	2.4	191.7	1.89	2150	1.93	113.39
	2.54	3960	2.59	6	2.68	0	2.74	151.1	2.74	0	2.79	0.84	2.84	93.3	2.94	5.61	2.97	137.6	2.44	2680	2.5	112.65
	3.12	3920	3.21	20.3	3.28	0	3.32	145.1	3.32	0	3.36	0.87	3.46	99.6	3.51	6.88	3.55	191	3.03	1600	3.08	124.01
	3.75	4800	3.81	0.8	3.85	-1.5	3.9	191.7	3.9	-1.5	3.99	0.86	4.04	99.6	4.09	9.95	4.13	191.7	3.61	2430	3.65	111.57
	4.34	5280	4.38	5.3	4.43	-1.5	4.52	130.8	4.52	-1.5	4.57	0.89	4.62	99.6	4.67	5.36	4.76	141.4	4.23	2540	4.27	106.3
	4.91	5160	5.01	15.8	5.06	-0.8	5.1	131.6	5.1	-0.8	5.14	0.82	5.19	99.6	5.28	6.12	5.33	163.2	4.8	1700	4.87	115.28
	5.54	5720	5.59	7.5	5.64	-0.8	5.68	191.7	5.68	-0.8	5.78	0.77	5.81	99.6	5.87	8.16	5.93	191.7	5.4	2190	5.44	101.52
	6.13	6440	6.18	9.8	6.23	0	6.32	191.7	6.32	0	6.37	0.83	6.41	99.6	6.47	9.69	6.57	191.7	5.99	2370	6.08	101.16
	6.71	6560	6.75	11.3	6.85	0	6.89	191.7	6.89	0	6.94	0.83	7.01	99.6	7.1	9.18	7.15	191.7	6.61	2300	6.66	106.47
	7.34	6800	7.37	10.5	7.42	0	7.47	191.7	7.47	0	7.54	0.8	7.62	99.6	7.67	8.67	7.72	191.7	7.19	2240	7.24	112.92
	7.91	7160	7.95	9.8	8	0	8.07	114.3	8.07	0	8.16	0.7	8.21	0	8.25	0	8.3	12	7.77	2210	7.87	111.48
	8.49	6240	8.54	15	8.6	0	8.69	17.3	8.69	0	8.74	1.99	8.79	0	8.83	0	8.92	18	8.4	1720	8.44	130.16
	9.07	4000	9.13	-1.5	9.22	0	9.27	15	9.27	0	9.31	1.99	9.36	0	9.45	0	9.51	15.8	8.97	1160	9.02	128.32
	9.72	3320	9.76	-3.8	9.82	0	9.86	16.5	9.86	0	9.96	1.99	10	0	10.04	0	10.09	15.8	9.56	1090	9.61	127.13
	10.3	3240	10.34	-3.8	10.38	0	10.48	16.5	10.48	0	10.53	1.99	10.58	0	10.63	0	10.67	16.5	10.14	1070	10.25	126.53

Marker	TIME	Group 1 - Field 0	TIME	Group 3 - Field 1	TIME	Group 31 - Field 0	TIME	Group 54 - Field 2	TIME	Group 101 - Field 2	TIME	Group 103 - Field 0	TIME	Group 114 - Field 0	TIME	Group 114 - Field 2	TIME	Group 115 - Field 2	TIME	Group 115 - Field 3	TIME	Group 230 - Field 1
	STAMP	Engine Speed	STAMP	Intake Air Mass	STAMP	Lambda Sensor - Current Value	STAMP	Sender 2 for - Acc. Pedal Pos.	STAMP	Median - injection timing	STAMP	Current - Fuel Pressure	STAMP	Engine Load - (specified)	STAMP	Engine Load - (actual Value)	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (specified)	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (actual)	STAMP	Rail Pressure - (actual)
		 /min		 g/s				 %		 ms		 bar		 %		 %		 mbar		 mbar		 bar
	0.15	1720	0.2	18.86	0.24	1.01	0.34	45.5	0.39	2.29	0.45	5.68	0.5	166.9	0.5	70.7	0.07	770	0.07	1040	0.11	82.78
	0.69	1880	0.74	35.86	0.78	1.07	0.87	99.6	0.92	3.06	0.98	5.64	1.03	191.7	1.03	90.2	0.6	1690	0.6	1070	0.64	87.87
	1.22	2080	1.26	47.47	1.32	0.98	1.41	99.6	1.45	3.31	1.52	5.73	1.56	191.7	1.56	106	1.12	2280	1.12	1220	1.17	94.99
	1.75	2360	1.79	64.58	1.89	0.98	1.93	99.6	1.98	4.08	2.05	5.79	2.09	191.7	2.09	130.1	1.65	2310	1.65	1430	1.7	103.25
	2.28	2680	2.32	100.69	2.41	0.94	2.46	99.6	2.51	5.61	2.58	5.81	2.67	191.7	2.67	171.4	2.18	2420	2.18	1770	2.23	110.22
	2.81	3120	2.86	149.31	2.95	0.86	2.99	99.6	3.04	7.91	3.1	5.63	3.2	191.7	3.2	191.7	2.71	2540	2.71	2330	2.76	112.25
	3.33	3840	3.44	143.36	3.48	0.8	3.53	99.6	3.58	6.38	3.63	5.91	3.73	191.7	3.73	145.9	3.25	2030	3.25	2700	3.29	111.59
	3.87	3840	3.97	103.17	4.01	0.81	4.06	99.6	4.11	4.59	4.17	6.16	4.26	191.7	4.26	138.3	3.77	1940	3.77	1790	3.83	109.93
	4.4	4200	4.49	189.89	4.53	0.84	4.58	99.6	4.63	7.65	4.7	5.58	4.79	191.7	4.79	191.7	4.3	2340	4.3	1880	4.36	109.47
	4.93	4760	5.02	225.58	5.07	0.84	5.12	99.6	5.17	8.93	5.29	5.44	5.33	191.7	5.33	191.7	4.84	2550	4.84	2560	4.89	105.56
	5.54	5360	5.58	241.14	5.63	0.81	5.68	99.6	5.79	9.44	5.83	5.53	5.88	191.7	5.88	191.7	5.38	2410	5.38	2550	5.44	84.53
	6.07	5720	6.11	251.94	6.16	0.82	6.21	99.6	6.33	9.69	6.37	5.09	6.41	191.7	6.41	191.7	5.92	2190	5.92	2560	5.97	111.52
	6.6	6080	6.65	229.08	6.69	1.35	6.74	99.6	6.85	5.1	6.9	4.81	6.95	191.7	6.95	133.8	6.46	1790	6.46	2420	6.56	102.67
	7.13	6000	7.18	222.61	7.23	0.72	7.33	99.6	7.39	6.38	7.44	4.79	7.5	191.7	7.5	191.7	6.99	1840	6.99	2600	7.09	88.93
	7.69	6520	7.74	264.42	7.79	0.8	7.91	99.6	7.96	6.88	8	4.4	8.06	191.7	8.06	191.7	7.55	2500	7.55	2370	7.64	113
	8.24	6720	8.29	257.08	8.33	0.82	8.44	99.6	8.49	6.12	8.53	4.75	8.58	191.7	8.58	191.7	8.14	2450	8.14	2260	8.19	120.95
	8.77	7040	8.81	254.5	8.91	0.79	8.97	99.6	9.02	5.87	9.07	5.03	9.11	191.7	9.11	178.2	8.67	2520	8.67	2220	8.72	124.96
	9.31	6960	9.36	32.28	9.45	1.99	9.52	0	9.56	0	9.61	5.64	9.71	191.7	9.71	17.3	9.21	1210	9.21	2420	9.26	127.95
	9.85	5520	9.89	43.19	9.98	1.99	10.05	0	10.09	0	10.14	6.3	10.23	191.7	10.23	15.8	9.75	300	9.75	1300	9.8	128.55
	10.38	3240	10.48	27.89	10.51	1.99	10.58	0	10.63	0	10.68	6.72	10.76	191.7	10.76	15.8	10.28	300	10.28	1130	10.33	127.63
	10.91	3240	11.01	25.5	11.05	1.99	11.11	0	11.15	0	11.25	6.94	11.29	191.7	11.29	16.5	10.82	310	10.82	1080	10.86	127.22
	11.44	3200	11.52	11.33	11.57	1.99	11.64	0	11.68	0	11.78	7.06	11.83	191.7	11.83	15.8	11.34	310	11.34	1080	11.39	126.9

Marker	TIME	Group 1 - Field 0	TIME	Group 3 - Field 1	TIME	Group 3 - Field 2	TIME	Group 3 - Field 3	TIME	Group 20 - Field 0	TIME	Group 20 - Field 1	TIME	Group 20 - Field 2	TIME	Group 20 - Field 3	TIME	Group 31 - Field 0	TIME	Group 114 - Field 3	TIME	Group 115 - Field 2	TIME	Group 115 - Field 3	
	STAMP	Engine Speed	STAMP	Intake Air Mass	STAMP	Throttle Drive - Angle Sensor 1	STAMP	Ignition - Timing Angle	STAMP	Cylinder 1 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Cylinder 2 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Cylinder 3 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Cylinder 4 Ignition - Angle Delay	STAMP	Lambda Sensor - Current Value	STAMP	Wastegate (N75) - Duty Cycle	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (specified)	STAMP	Boost Pressure - (actual)	
		 /min		 g/s		 %		 °BTDC		°KW		°KW		°KW		°KW				 %		 mbar		 mbar	
	0.77	2000	0.13	20.03	0.13	15.3	0.13	14.3	0.25	0	0.25	0	0.25	0	0.25	0	0.38	0.95	0.5	94.9	0.64	2240	0.64	1130	
	1.53	2400	0.89	44.39	0.89	99.6	0.89	18.8	1.02	0	1.02	0	1.02	0	1.02	0	1.16	0.98	1.28	94.9	1.4	2360	1.4	1430	
	2.31	2960	1.67	75.94	1.67	99.6	1.67	15	1.8	-3	1.8	-3	1.8	0	1.8	-5.3	1.92	0.94	2.05	85.1	2.19	2540	2.19	1990	
	3.09	3760	2.43	141.83	2.43	99.6	2.43	-1.5	2.56	-3	2.56	-3	2.56	-3	2.56	-5.3	2.72	0.85	2.84	59.6	2.97	2520	2.97	2620	
	3.9	4200	3.25	175.58	3.25	97.3	3.25	-2.3	3.37	0	3.37	0	3.37	0	3.37	0	3.5	0.81	3.62	34.5	3.76	2190	3.76	1850	
	4.65	4880	4.01	156.03	4.01	99.6	4.01	14.3	4.14	0	4.14	0	4.14	0	4.14	-3	4.28	0.83	4.4	60.4	4.53	2540	4.53	2530	
	5.45	5640	4.81	226.47	4.81	99.6	4.81	1.5	4.93	-0.8	4.93	-2.3	4.93	-3	4.93	-3.8	5.05	0.83	5.18	66.7	5.32	2540	5.32	2500	
	6.21	6080	5.57	254.39	5.57	99.6	5.57	6.8	5.7	-0.8	5.7	-2.3	5.7	-2.3	5.7	-3.8	5.84	0.9	5.96	83.1	6.09	2460	6.09	2410	
	7.01	6640	6.37	257.81	6.37	99.6	6.37	6.8	6.49	-0.8	6.49	-2.3	6.49	-2.3	6.49	-3.8	6.62	0.84	6.74	87.8	6.88	2040	6.88	2310	
	7.77	7040	7.13	254.78	7.13	96.9	7.13	9.8	7.26	-0.8	7.26	-2.3	7.26	-2.3	7.26	-3.8	7.4	0.88	7.52	87.8	7.65	1800	7.65	2230	
	8.55	6880	7.91	252.67	7.91	51.4	7.91	10.5	8.04	-0.8	8.04	-2.3	8.04	-2.3	8.04	-3	8.16	0.73	8.29	63.1	8.43	1120	8.43	2820	
	9.32	4240	8.68	87.56	8.68	10.6	8.68	17.3	8.8	0	8.8	0	8.8	0	8.8	0	8.94	1.99	9.07	0	9.19	300	9.19	1170	
	10.11	3280	9.47	29.19	9.47	7.5	9.47	-4.5	9.6	0	9.6	0	9.6	0	9.6	0	9.72	1.99	9.85	0	9.99	310	9.99	1080	
	10.89	3240	10.25	24.86	10.25	8.2	10.25	-3.8	10.38	0	10.38	0	10.38	0	10.38	0	10.52	1.99	10.64	0	10.77	310	10.77	1070	
	11.69	3120	11.05	11.61	11.05	7.8	11.05	-3.8	11.17	0	11.17	0	11.17	0	11.17	0	11.3	1.99	11.42	0	11.56	310	11.56	1070	
	12.45	3040	11.81	11.44	11.81	7.8	11.81	-3.8	11.94	0	11.94	0	11.94	0	11.94	0	12.08	1.99	12.2	0	12.32	300	12.32	1070
Last edited:
May 25, 2008
I seem to have an issue when on WOT between 2500rpm - 4800rpm. The car seem to boost then flutters, i can hear what sounds like the dump valve opening and closing ( i have the forge atmospheric BOV), it feels like i also get loss of power between this rpm. Once i get to around 5k the car pulls very very well. I got VCDS today and used the measuring blocks that apr site recommends but this is where my knowledge ends. Could someone have a look and let me know what they think, is there anything obviously that stands out ? All runs where in 3rd...roads are wet so there is wheel spin.

Take it off and try again :rolleyes:


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
The best recirc valve for the TFSi is the SEAT (OEM) supplied Revision D valve which does not tear due to not using a diaphragm. The Forge Valve has been known to stick on a number of cars and offers no performance advantage whatsoever over the standard valve. They cost under £50 as memory serves. Best thing you could do is punt the Forge valve.

Trying to get your logs sorted on Excel to see whats happening under your bonnet oo :)


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
The best recirc valve for the TFSi is the SEAT (OEM) supplied Revision D valve which does not tear due to not using a diaphragm. The Forge Valve has been known to stick on a number of cars and offers no performance advantage whatsoever over the standard valve. They cost under £50 as memory serves. Best thing you could do is punt the Forge valve.

Trying to get your logs sorted on Excel to see whats happening under your bonnet oo :)

you sir are a gent..

I think i upgraded to the D so i will stick the car in the shed tonight and change them over


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
rev D now in it but the same issue. I dont think its happening as much but that could be the plezibo affect. I will need to drive it more and do more logs.

On the logging part what exactly should i be logging and looking for.


Feb 15, 2011
rev D now in it but the same issue. I dont think its happening as much but that could be the plezibo affect. I will need to drive it more and do more logs.

On the logging part what exactly should i be logging and looking for.

I had the same sound on my 57 plate cupra

It never used to do it and then all of a sudden started, no changes were made to the car so I don't know why it started.

is it usually when you floor it?


Feb 15, 2011
It's the exact same rev range as where I was having the problems. Booting it from 2500-5000 it made that noise and then it f**ked off, even if i didnt back off the throttle.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
I had the same sound on my 57 plate cupra

It never used to do it and then all of a sudden started, no changes were made to the car so I don't know why it started.

is it usually when you floor it?

Yeah mate. If you floor it low down the rpm it flutters like crazy between 2500-5000. After that it pulls strong. If you floor it higher up the rev range it pulls fantastic.

Was reading a little on the logs and how to convert from mbar to bar. In some forums it mentions the k04 maxes out around 1.5 bar. There are some parts on the log where boost request is 2500mbar but actual boost is 26500mbar which I believe is around 1.6 bar.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2012
rev D now in it but the same issue. I dont think its happening as much but that could be the plezibo affect. I will need to drive it more and do more logs.

On the logging part what exactly should i be logging and looking for.

Try a rev g valve mate, I had a rev d and did not like it and the car lagged power and felt slower, fitted a new g in and it's perfect now, was advised by a few on mk5gti to go back to running the G and I haven't had a problem since


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
Is the rev g not worse than rev d ?

I need to run some super unleaded through my car to see if the timing pulls back. But from my amateur eye the car looks to be boosting more than specified at the lower rpm. Could this be the cause for flutter, 2650mbar


Feb 15, 2011
Is the rev g not worse than rev d ?

I need to run some super unleaded through my car to see if the timing pulls back. But from my amateur eye the car looks to be boosting more than specified at the lower rpm. Could this be the cause for flutter, 2650mbar

I thought it was a boost leak but the garage couldn't find anything wrong

It drove me insane. Lol


Feb 15, 2011
Yeah mate. If you floor it low down the rpm it flutters like crazy between 2500-5000. After that it pulls strong. If you floor it higher up the rev range it pulls fantastic.

Was reading a little on the logs and how to convert from mbar to bar. In some forums it mentions the k04 maxes out around 1.5 bar. There are some parts on the log where boost request is 2500mbar but actual boost is 26500mbar which I believe is around 1.6 bar.

Yeah mate that's the exact same symptoms as mine. It didn't seem proper down on power, but u could just feel something there

I believe 'crigisback' had a similar issue and didn't get it resolved

I'll try and find the thread


Active Member
Apr 8, 2009


Feb 15, 2011
just had a look at the thread and vids...the flutter there is very quiet mine is extreme compared..i will try to do a vid or find one that sounds like it

about 36 sec into this vidd

It must have been the angle of the microphone on the lads phone

Mine was as loud as the one that you linked me to

Sounded like it had an induction kit lol.

I never found out what the problem was mate. It wound me up tho.


Jun 25, 2005
Lads, fluttering after changing intake is completely normal to some extend.
This is the way the ECU controls the boost, google flutter and stage 2+ do get some peace of mind.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
Lads, fluttering after changing intake is completely normal to some extend.
This is the way the ECU controls the boost, google flutter and stage 2+ do get some peace of mind.

Agreed 100%. I didn't realise you were more concerned about the noise than the valve.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)