MP3 CD woes


Good Evening ladies and gents.

I'm new to the forum, I hope I find everybody well.

I've posted the following issue on the apple itunes forum too, in case it's a problem people there are familiar with, but I think it could be a quirk of the cd player fitted in the Leon, though possibly not an issue exclusively to Leons, but common to car stereos in general.

My problem is as follows (text copied from other forum):

"I've been creating mp3cds for years in both my last car and my current one. It's really handy for making massive 'mixtapes' for my short commute and I burn a new one every few months.

In the last few years I've increasingly noticed that although the vast majority of the songs play perfectly well in my car mp3cd player, there are invariably about 3-4 tracks per cd out of roughly 140 that simply do not play. The player can see the tracks and can display them on menus and it will display the song title etc when attempting to play the song but after about 5 seconds of silence where it's attempting to play (timer stays at 0:00) it just skips to the next track.

It tends to be the same tracks if I try and include them on subsequent mixes or if I try and re-burn a particular playlist.

In one case I recopied an offending song into itunes and it seemd to fix that one track for future mixes that I included it on. I think I've tried this on other car-unplayable tracks and I don't think it worked on them.

It's affected both my old car (with a JVC stereo) and new car (Seat Leon inbuilt stereo) so I doubt it's the fault of the stereo.

I'd assume it's something particular about the tracks and I think I saw in another thread something about the ID3 meta data?

I keep my iTunes up to date.

Any help would be much appreciated as this problem inevitably seems to affect some of my favourite songs.

I also tried burn the same playlist at 2x speed as I've read online that that fixes some issues. I tried this second copy in the car and the same tracks refused to play.

I took a look at the info in itunes for the affected tracks and a sample of working tracks and I can't see any obvious cause. e.g. varying bitrates between tracks, ID3 versions."

I'm aware that iTunes isn't necessarily the forte of the readers here but wondered if anyone else has had the same and managed to fix it?

My Leon is 59 plate (petrol, although i doubt that matters). I've so far not bothered the dealership with this problem.

I look forward to any feedback.

Edit: I should add that I've tried googling the problem and searching within this forum, to no avail.
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That's ok. Have a nice evening.

If the above is a little too wordy, the summary:

"Some MP3CD tracks don't play on the Leon stereo, why?"
Jun 7, 2006
Norfolk, Norwich
noticed this my self. i believe its Itunes also. always track 64 for me. no matter what track i make it so i just dump a **** one there lol


Haha, i'll check out track 64 tomorrow on my newly burned mix, but this mix is 'missing' tracks 2, 14, 16 so far.... I also, on my second attempt for this mix, took out an early song to change the order and the same songs (even in their new track posiotin) skipped.


Will do. I noticed today that in iTunes there's options to 'Convert ID3 Tags' and also 'Create MP3 version'. Might try that against all in the playlist and see what that does.


tried 'Convert ID3 Tags' and also 'Create MP3 version' on my playlist last night, burned a new cd in a different order.

Same songs refuse to play.


Hi Kris,

I don't believe I have a usb input in the car (unless i've somehow missed it in the few years I've been driving it), just CD and Aux.


Bugger, I suppose you could ask someone local to try it with USB in their car.

I ended up putting them on my mp3 player and playing them through the aux connection and they played ok. However, I noticed that some of them failed to know how long they should be (i.e. had both a start and end time of 0:00 so the progress bar didn't move).

So I went back inside and took a look at the track info in windows (all looked fine in itunes) and found loads of blanks for things like track length, protected etc. when I selected 'Properties' for each track.

Back in iTunes I re ID3 formatted them, this time in format 2.2 and the extra meta data appeared for those tracks. I burned yet another copy of the playlist and it appears to have fixed some of the dodgy tracks. I'm yet to get through the whole playlist but it's an improvement. I guess that any remaining bad tracks just need a bit more meta data that re-ID3 formatting didn't provide.

One assumes that the cd player in the leon relies upon the meta data to play the song whereas other mp3cd players, iTunes and my mp3 player are less fussy.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2011
Have you tried deleting the album / track artwork, the .jpg/bmp etc associated with the cover picture before converting and burning the track...I'm guessing here but maybe it's confusing the CD player.
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