OK i have started getting ready for my spray paint session
Got everything i need - Cover, Paints, Sandpaper, Music, Friends, a sheltered place.
Engine Cover
Engine cover with spray paints

What too do first. aha,
-Part to spray (engine cover for me)
-1 can of 300ml (depending on how much you are spraying) Grey Primer
-1 can of 300ml Fluorescent Paint (colour of your choice)
-1 can of 300ml Clear Lacquer (keeps it cleaner for longer)
-1 varying sandpapers of different types
*Try these!*
Steps to complete
Step 1 - CLEAN IT!
Step 2 - Sandpaper the area you will be spraying
Step 3 - Carefully Mask the area
you dont want sprayed with masking tape (or some heavy duty stuff)
Step 4 - Light coat of Primer (usually comes in Grey)
Step 5 - Repeat Step 4 a few more times until no original colour can be seen
Step 6 - Let it dry (i leave mine overnight to make sure its done)
Step 7 - (once it has completely dried) Time to Paint it whatever colour you have chosen
Step 8 - Let it dry a bit and do a few more coats
Step 9 - Once that has all completely dried its time too Lacquer it. 1-2 coats will usually do the trick but some people put about 1-7 coats on.
Step 10 - Let it dry
Step 11 - Once it has completely dried and you are sure its has, give it another quick damp cloth clean and reattach it too your car.
Step 12 - Stand back and have a look at the results
*still finishing it off but pictures will be up later*