LOL, thanks mate. I am well happy with the result if I say so myself. Can't go wrong with a boc mate so she will be happy. Try get a MY12 if you can. It seems the 59 plate bocs and cupras have issues.
Well that completes the Nurburgring trip with not so much as a skip or missed beat. Checked on VAGCOM with mOrk and not 1 missfire either! So happy!!!!!
Yeah she absolutely loved it. kept laughing like a mad thing out of pleasure hahahahahahha. If I could speak german I would be living there too hahahaha.
Yeah she absolutely loved it. kept laughing like a mad thing out of pleasure hahahahahahha. If I could speak german I would be living there too hahahaha.
Well I have done the Silvatek bulbs again along with the new bulb holders after the one melted. Love it again and made sure the bulbs were both in correctly this time!!!
LOL, thanks Char. Mods are getting very slow now as cash is tight and insurance is up for renewal in December. So I need to save hard and fast as I don't wanna smash the credit card again hahahahahha. Can't even get the rear bumper repaired yet as I just don't have the cash right now.
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