PhilW's Mk3 Ibiza Project Thread - 3071 - Now Breaking!

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Be interesting to see what this would make on Bills dyno Phil ( my old Dastek ).

Im having to battle a few peoples opinions that my new Mainline dyno reads too low compared to the Dastek. I dont think Bills under any threat of his dyno becoming the 'HeartBreaker' with mine here LOL
If the truth hurts then they should stay away from accurate dyno's. ;)
How does the torque measurement compare to Bill's Dastek.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
lol. Im not about willy waving, all i wanted to see was the boost held nicely and AFR where it should be and thats about it.

Dont think anyone came close to me figures wise yesterday anyway. lol.

I'll be back on the dyno again on the 21st along with other known cars (previously been on the dastek dyno as well) so should be a good yard stick. :)
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Nice graph Phil, can't wait to pay Craig a visit myself, maybe over christmas.
I've used channel 12 for a few years now and with oversized maff tubes with my APR software.
When ever load (sel scaling) is increased i found fueling within the program increased Automatically but linearly.
If you use an oversized maff you need to increase fueling proportionally by the increase in maff csa. Similarly if you use an undersized maff the fueling is reduced by the reduction in maff csa using primary fuel scale.

Do you ever find the ECU resets this value or adapts it out at all?

Does the APR software (v-tune i assume?) let you raise SEL scaling above 100%?

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Do you ever find the ECU resets this value or adapts it out at all?

Does the APR software (v-tune i assume?) let you raise SEL scaling above 100%?

I never found it adapted out as i always checked my fuel trims and logged 031 to check.
APR allows you to run 30% Sel scaling above 100%
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Thats interesting, with Lemmiwinks 100% is the max. I assume v-tune only works for APR mapped cars?

For some reason it "forgot" the setting after clearing an EML even tho when you read it back in via lemmiwinks it was still there. Note to self, dont get an EML. lol.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
good ole dyno's

I hope your mainline is'nt in DD type scenario Craig.. where yea its lower reading but where std cars dont achieve std numbers..

Your old dastek dyno reads differently to when you had for reasons unknown, but does make std cars measure std power.. Be a good comparison if Phil comes here one day

Its the backlash/hassle where peeps dont achieve numbers which will be the pain for you.
g/s mass airflow correlates really well on the Dastek here currently.

dynos eh! :shrug: :)


REVO Dealer
Aug 19, 2009
Llandow, S Wales
Several near standard vehicles have made standard power so far.

I used to get alot of standard cars reading slightly over factory power on the Dastek, but majority of them used to read pretty close, never under. Most noticable were the PD130s, had a few standard ones reading over 150bhp !

I have no doubt that the Mainline reads lower overall, and it is well documented to. Having said that, its an amazing tuning tool ( which is why i bought it ), you'll have to pop down for a demo Bill, and bring something meaty LOL.

Back to you Phil, sorry for hijacking.....;)
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
You're not hijacking Craig, things like this are good to know and interesting.

Should be getting a few other things, lupo gti wipers, wheel studs instead of bolts, front ARB finally and some bushes.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
My new coolant feed for the turbo from Backdraft turned up yesterday, looks like this one will hopefully sort my coolant issues. I'll hopefully fit it tomorrow and see how it goes.

Dyno day again on sunday, want to advance the timing and maybe a little more boost to see what gains i get from it.
Jan 13, 2010
only messing mate, thinking of having your mates ecu, but not sure what to do, had loads of intrest in my car but all part ex's with things i dont want lol
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
I know, another time maybe. :)

Well after about 3 hours i finally fitted my new coolant feed for the turbo, what a pain in the ass job, the old one was scorched and the banjo looked like its seen some heat as well. I really hope this is the end of the coolant issue now. Shame its red, but i guess form follows function in the case.

Had a good look at the oil return and the sooner i get throw it in the bin the better. But thats not going to be into the new year now. In need of some new discs and an MOT next month.

After tomorrow i'll probably not drive it for another month.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Well the coolant hose didnt work. But it did make 351whp - 405bhp and 400lb/ft. lol. :)


Sunday	21	November	2010	12:33:12											
6K0 906 032 AA		1.8L 20VT EU3   G03 0002													
	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'002				Group C:	'118			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	81.26	0	0	0	0	81.56	1600	68.4	4.51	21.86	80.96	1640	26	95.3	870
	82.16	0	0	0	0	82.46	1600	68.4	4.92	20.94	81.86	1600	24	95.3	890
	83.07	0	0	0	0	83.36	1600	69.2	4.51	21.28	82.76	1600	24	95.3	900
	83.96	1.5	0	0	0	84.26	1600	69.2	4.92	21.31	83.67	1600	24	95.3	900
	84.86	1.5	0	0	0	85.16	1600	69.2	4.92	21.14	84.56	1600	24	95.3	910
	85.76	0.8	0	0	0	86.06	1600	69.2	4.92	20.83	85.46	1600	24	95.3	910
	86.66	2.3	0	0	0	86.96	1560	69.2	4.92	20.94	86.36	1600	24	95.3	910
	87.56	2.3	0	0	0	87.86	1600	69.2	4.92	21.75	87.26	1560	24	95.3	910
	88.46	1.5	0	0	0	88.76	1560	69.2	4.92	20.67	88.16	1600	24	95.3	910
	89.36	1.5	1.5	0	0	89.66	1560	69.2	4.92	21.42	89.06	1600	24	95.3	910
	90.26	0.8	1.5	0	0	90.56	1600	68.4	4.51	21.17	89.96	1600	24	95.3	910
	91.16	0.8	0.8	0	0	91.46	1880	71.4	4.92	24.83	90.86	1680	24	95.3	910
	92.06	2.3	2.3	1.5	0	92.36	2120	72.9	4.92	30.25	91.76	1960	23	95.3	920
	92.96	2.3	2.3	0.8	0	93.26	2360	75.2	5.33	34.03	92.66	2200	23	95.3	930
	93.86	1.5	1.5	0.8	0	94.16	2560	75.9	5.33	37.28	93.57	2440	22	95.3	960
	94.76	1.5	1.5	0.8	0	95.06	2800	78.2	5.74	42.33	94.46	2680	21	95.3	980
	95.66	1.5	1.5	0	0	95.96	3080	81.2	5.33	48.81	95.36	2920	21	95.3	1000
	96.57	0.8	0.8	0	0	96.87	3320	85	5.74	55.28	96.27	3160	21	95.3	1020
	97.46	0.8	2.3	0	0	97.77	3600	93.2	6.56	65.31	97.17	3400	21	95.3	1060
	98.36	0	3	1.5	0	98.66	3920	107.5	8.2	83.03	98.07	3680	21	95.3	1130
	99.27	0	3	3	0	99.57	4200	118	9.43	97.67	98.97	4000	21	95.3	1260
	100.17	0	2.3	3	0	100.46	4520	137.6	11.48	121.83	99.87	4280	21	95.3	1420
	101.06	0	2.3	2.3	0	101.36	4960	190.2	16.4	189.83	100.76	4680	22	95.3	1690
	101.96	0	1.5	2.3	0	102.26	5560	191.7	18.45	218.14	101.67	5240	23	40.8	2340
	102.86	0	1.5	1.5	0	103.16	5800	191.7	18.45	234.44	102.56	5640	23	33.7	2410
	103.76	0	2.3	3	0	104.06	5920	191.7	18.04	236.83	103.46	5880	24	34.5	2430
	104.67	0	1.5	3	0	104.96	6200	191.7	17.63	244.11	104.36	6040	26	34.9	2470
	105.56	0	1.5	2.3	1.5	105.86	6400	191.7	17.22	248.42	105.26	6280	27	34.9	2440
	106.46	0	0.8	1.5	3	106.76	6600	191.7	16.81	248.42	106.16	6440	30	33.3	2430
	107.36	0	0	1.5	2.3	107.67	6760	191.7	16.4	250	107.06	6640	32	33.7	2440
	108.26	0	0	1.5	2.3	108.56	6840	191.7	15.99	252.53	107.96	6800	34	35.7	2410
	109.16	0	0	3	1.5	109.46	7040	191.7	15.99	256.97	108.86	6920	36	33.3	2420
	110.06	0	0	2.3	0.8	110.36	7280	183.5	15.17	255.11	109.76	7080	38	34.5	2390

Sunday	21	November	2010	12:33:12											
6K0 906 032 AA		1.8L 20VT EU3   G03 0002													
	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'002				Group C:	'118			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	209.91	1.5	3	3	3	210.2	1560	68.4	4.92	20.22	209.61	1560	29	95.3	910
	210.8	0.8	3	2.3	2.3	211.11	1800	69.9	4.92	24.64	210.5	1600	29	95.3	910
	211.71	2.3	3.8	1.5	3.8	212.01	2000	71.4	4.92	28.03	211.4	1840	28	95.3	910
	212.6	3.8	3.8	3	5.3	212.9	2280	73.7	4.92	31.67	212.3	2080	27	95.3	920
	213.5	3	4.5	3	5.3	213.8	2480	75.9	5.33	36.58	213.2	2320	27	95.3	950
	214.4	3	4.5	2.3	4.5	214.71	2760	76.7	5.74	41.11	214.1	2560	26	95.3	980
	215.3	3	5.3	2.3	4.5	215.61	2960	78.9	5.74	45.28	215	2800	26	95.3	1000
	216.21	2.3	5.3	3.8	3.8	216.5	3200	82.7	5.74	51.56	215.91	3040	25	95.3	1010
	217.11	2.3	4.5	3.8	3.8	217.41	3480	88	6.15	58.61	216.81	3320	25	95.3	1040
	218.01	1.5	5.3	4.5	3.8	218.31	3720	98.5	6.97	72	217.71	3520	25	95.3	1080
	218.91	1.5	5.3	4.5	3	219.21	4040	110.5	8.61	87.5	218.6	3840	25	95.3	1170
	219.81	0.8	4.5	4.5	3	220.11	4320	121.1	10.25	101.53	219.51	4160	25	95.3	1310
	220.71	0.8	4.5	3.8	2.3	221.01	4680	142.9	12.3	129.64	220.41	4440	25	95.3	1470
	221.61	2.3	4.5	3.8	2.3	221.91	5080	191.7	17.22	197.44	221.31	4800	26	95.3	1770
	222.51	2.3	3.8	3	1.5	222.81	5520	191.7	18.04	216.31	222.21	5280	27	40	2380
	223.41	1.5	3	2.3	0.8	223.71	5760	191.7	18.04	226.58	223.11	5600	27	34.9	2410
	224.31	0.8	3	2.3	0.8	224.61	5960	191.7	17.63	235.64	224.01	5800	27	35.7	2430
	225.21	0.8	1.5	2.3	1.5	225.51	6240	191.7	17.22	238.42	224.91	6120	30	36.9	2460
	226.11	0	1.5	2.3	3	226.41	6400	191.7	17.22	243.69	225.81	6320	31	37.3	2420
	227.01	0	0.8	1.5	2.3	227.31	6600	191.7	16.4	246.61	226.71	6520	33	38.8	2400
	227.91	0	0	0.8	2.3	228.21	6760	191.7	16.4	247.36	227.61	6680	35	36.9	2410
	228.81	0	0	0.8	1.5	229.11	6920	191.7	15.99	254.25	228.51	6840	37	36.9	2430
	229.71	0	0	1.5	0.8	230.01	7080	190.2	15.99	254.25	229.41	6960	39	38.4	2410
	230.61	0	0	1.5	0	230.91	7320	185	15.17	258.64	230.31	7200	41	36.5	2410

258g/s - ibiza element to S4 (60 to 73mm) - 258g/s + 22% =314g/s * 1.25 = 392bhp.




Im sure one of the boys will be about soon with a toasty vid of the manifold soon. Incredible amounts of heat coming off it.

Difference from last week to this: WG duty up 5% and 0.5psi more boost, timing up 0.75° to 2.25° and i leaned the fuel out a touch using channel 12 on lemmiwinks.

Fair play this thing now rips. Very happy indeed.
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