things cannot get any worst at the moment - just got home from casualty where I have been told I have Bursitis of the Elbow -
ok guys just been and done half a job
all disassembled
stalk fitted
wheel refitted
stalks plugged in
pics to follow
running out of light so will finish tomorrow
where you to then in the attic ?? still really light over here
or I don't align wheel back on properly!
definately a case of RTFM on my behalf thanks to seantdi for putting my straight here (SEE OTHER THREAD ON CRUISE CONTROL)
cannot remember where I read that there is nothing to do in the engine bay
all done now will test on way to work in the morning
The wheel can only go on one way, there is a cut out/lug you line up.
I am Tempted to have the red frame with the carbon S