Connecting 6 speakers to the HU directly


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Im sorry if this has been answered before, searched but couldn't find sthing specific.

Im wondering if i can hook up 6 speakers (2 front, 2 back, 2 in the trunk) directly to the HU (which only outputs 4 channels (2 front, 2 back).

Basically im trying to avoid getting in the hassle of getting an AMP and connecting it.

The car is an Ibiza 1.4 sport (2006).

Thanks in advance and sorry for my stupidity =)
Dec 31, 2007
since its unlikely this is model specific you will probably get a better response in the ICE section, although when you do post in there you will also probably be better off trying to describe what HU you are using and which speakers you are attempting to hook up, inc sizes and power usage.

In theory I guess its possible if you split the feeds but I doubt the HU could power them all effectively without an amp, but I'm no expert by any stretch.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Sorry if i have posted this on the wrong section.

My HU is a Sony CDX-GT414U. The speakers are (2 front and 2 back factory defaults and 2 extra Boschmann for the back (2 times 400W at 4OHM).

It is possible using a crossover unit to split the signal. - this will keep the load on the headunit amp the same as a single speaker per outmut

If you just connect the speakers you will alter the load on the head unit.
Most head units need 4 ohm speakers to operate correctly - most speakers are 4 ohm.
Depending on wether you connect in series or parrallel you will end up with 2 ohm or 8 ohm load on the head unit.


Active Member
It is possible using a crossover unit to split the signal. - this will keep the load on the headunit amp the same as a single speaker per outmut

If you just connect the speakers you will alter the load on the head unit.
Most head units need 4 ohm speakers to operate correctly - most speakers are 4 ohm.
Depending on wether you connect in series or parrallel you will end up with 2 ohm or 8 ohm load on the head unit.

Thanks for the info. What is easier? getting a crossover unit or just getting an amp right away?



Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
alright. ill try to go for the amp then. Would i need a 2 channel amp or 4??


The Normal way to do it would be to run the 4 OEM speakers from the head unit and then amp the speakers in the boot (usually subs for better bass)

You do have pre-amp outputs on the head unit I assume ?
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