Hi All,
With some tape I located the noise as coming from the top edge of the mirror housing (the edge that runs diagonally down) where it meets the rubber seal around the door. Try sealing along the gap with some tape, let me know if it cures the noise for you?? With some tape across the seal there is blissful silence a la passenger side!
Well the trouble maker is back from the dealers who had it today to investigate the drivers side wind roar under warranty, I pointed out the source of the noise on dropping it off this morning. Picked her up and they have gone mad with the sealant/filler inside the mirror housing and the casing seems to be more flush with the door but.... the noise is still there
Has been escalated to SEAT, should hear more in a week or so hopefully. Hudson have you heard back from SEAT mate?
Let me know if taping across the interface between mirror and seal works for you?