New Logs done - 10.07.09 Still boosting at 1.1bar


had a few runs tonight, unfortunately I could not redline it, but there is clearly a boost issue from requested and actual.....boost leak somewhere, or is it a fueling issue, as I have the following error messages below

first I checked any error messages and found this

VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 06A 906 032 DE
Component and/or Version: 1.8L R4/5VT 01 0001
Software Coding: 11510
Work Shop Code: WSC 66565
4 Faults Found:
17645 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 1 (N30): Open Circuit
P1237 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
17647 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 3 (N32): Open Circuit
P1239 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
17648 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 4 (N33): Open Circuit
P1240 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
17646 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 2 (N31): Open Circuit
P1238 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

here are the logs

5th gear, 2000rpm on until I ran out of feels very sluggish

Run number 1

Banks 003, 020, 031

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	'031	
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME					TIME		
	18.47	2080	40.08	100	11.3	18.87	0	0	0	0	19.27	0.992	1
	19.67	2200	46.53	100	12.8	20.07	0	0	0	0	20.47	1.016	1
	20.89	2320	52.58	100	12.8	21.29	0	0	0	0	21.69	0.992	1
	22.09	2520	61.28	100	12.8	22.49	0	0	0	0	22.89	0.961	0.961
	23.29	2680	70.78	100	10.5	23.7	0	0	0	0	24.1	0.945	0.953
	24.5	2920	82.86	100	7.5	25	0	0	0	0	25.42	0.883	0.875
	25.91	3200	93.06	100	6	26.31	0	0	0	0	26.71	0.852	0.86
	27.11	3440	99.97	100	6.8	27.53	0	0	0	0	27.93	0.844	0.86
	28.33	3680	114.25	100	8.3	28.73	0	0	0	0	29.13	0.844	0.852
	29.64	3920	120.33	100	9	30.14	0	0	0	0	30.54	0.828	0.836
	31.05	4200	134.56	100	9.8	31.45	0	0	0	0	31.85	0.821	0.836
	32.25	4440	145.19	100	8.3	32.65	0	0	0	0	33.05	0.821	0.836
	33.45	4680	150.89	100	9	33.86	0	0	0	0	34.36	0.813	0.821
	34.76	4880	155.31	100	8.3	35.27	0	0	0	0	35.77	0.789	0.805
	36.17	5080	164.56	100	9.8	36.57	0	0	0	0	36.98	0.797	0.805
	37.48	5280	169.72	100	8.3	37.88	0	0	0	0	38.29	0.789	0.805
	38.68	5440	173.25	100	10.5	39.09	0	0	0	0	39.49	0.797	0.805
	39.89	5560	174.5	100	10.5	40.31	0	0	0	0	40.81	0.828	0.922
	41.21	5400	4.22	5.9	9.8	41.61	0	0	0	0	42.1	1.991	1.047
2	42.61	4600	8.42	7.1	3.8	43.01	0	0	0	0	43.41	1.991	1.047
	43.91	3720	8.56	6.3	2.3	44.31	0	0	0	0	44.72	1.991	1.047
	45.12	3040	7.06	5.5	1.5	45.52	0	0	0	0	46.02	1.991	1.047

Run number 2

Banks Banks 003, 020, 031 again

Thursday	9	July	2009	22:56:23									
06A 906 032 DE 		1.8L R4/5VT      01 0001											
	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	'031	
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME					TIME		
	0.8	2200	31.33	23.9	7.5	0	0	0	0	0	0.4	0.953	1
	2.11	1880	17.14	11.8	21	1.2	0	0	0	0	1.7	0.914	1
	3.31	1440	18.11	15.3	11.3	2.51	0	0	0	0	2.91	0.977	1
	4.72	1560	21.5	19.2	17.3	3.71	0	0	0	0	4.22	0.992	1
	5.92	1680	24.42	22	16.5	5.12	0	0	0	0	5.52	1	1
	7.14	1800	29.44	96.1	16.5	6.34	0	0	0	0	6.74	0.984	1
	8.33	1920	31.67	100	12.8	7.53	0	0	0	0	7.93	1.008	1
	9.55	2040	37.72	100	14.3	8.73	0	0	0	0	9.13	0.977	1
	10.86	2200	45.36	100	12.8	9.95	0	0	0	0	10.45	1	1
	12.16	2400	54.39	100	12.8	11.36	0	0	0	0	11.76	0.992	1
	13.57	2600	65.47	100	11.3	12.67	0	0	0	0	13.07	0.992	0.969
	14.88	2840	76.17	100	9	13.97	0	0	0	0	14.38	0.969	0.953
	16.19	3120	85.61	100	6	15.28	0	0	0	0	15.79	0.891	0.899
	17.39	3320	95.78	100	6	16.59	0	0	0	0	16.99	0.86	0.867
	18.7	3600	110.58	100	6.8	17.9	0	0	0	0	18.3	0.844	0.86
	20.01	3840	115.11	100	8.3	19.2	0	0	0	0	19.6	0.844	0.86
	21.31	4120	123.89	100	6.8	20.51	0	0	0	0	20.91	0.836	0.836
	22.52	4360	136.17	100	9	21.71	0	0	0	0	22.13	0.821	0.836
	23.72	4600	146.72	100	8.3	22.92	0	0	0	0	23.32	0.821	0.836
	25.13	4840	153.31	100	8.3	24.24	0	0	0	0	24.73	0.813	0.821
	26.35	5040	159.53	100	9.8	25.53	0	0	0	0	25.95	0.789	0.805
	27.64	5240	166.69	100	9.8	26.84	0	0	0	0	27.24	0.782	0.805
	28.86	5400	170.67	100	10.5	28.06	0	0	0	0	28.46	0.797	0.805
	30.27	5000	7.94	6.7	5.3	29.37	0	0	0	0	29.87	0.938	1
	68.68	2000	28.89	23.1	18.8	69.09	0	0	0	0	68.28	1.023	1
	69.89	2200	41.67	100	12.8	70.39	0	0	0	0	69.49	0.961	1
	71.21	2200	19.5	14.5	22.5	71.7	0	0	0	0	70.79	0.899	1
	72.5	1960	33.31	98.4	16.5	72.92	0	0	0	0	72.1	1	1
	73.81	2120	41.14	100	14.3	74.21	0	0	0	0	73.41	0.977	1
	75.03	2280	49.78	100	12.8	75.43	0	0	0	3	74.61	1	1
	76.23	2480	58	100	12.8	76.63	0	0	0	3	75.83	0.992	1
	77.43	2680	72.61	100	9.8	77.85	0	0	0	3	77.03	0.961	0.961
	78.74	2920	79.83	100	6.8	79.25	0	0	0	2.3	78.34	0.953	0.953
	80.05	3200	90.06	100	6	80.45	0	0	0	2.3	79.65	0.86	0.86
	81.25	3440	104.19	100	6	81.65	0	0	0	2.3	80.85	0.852	0.86
	82.56	3720	111.56	100	5.3	82.96	0	0	0	1.5	82.07	0.844	0.86
	83.88	3960	119.5	100	7.5	84.28	0	0	0	0.8	83.48	0.852	0.852
	85.08	4200	131.06	100	9	85.59	0	0	0	0.8	84.68	0.821	0.836
	86.39	4480	144.17	100	6	86.79	0	0	0	0	85.99	0.836	0.836
	87.59	4680	150.89	100	9.8	88	0	0	0	0	87.19	0.821	0.828
	88.9	4920	155.53	100	9	89.3	0	0	0	0	88.5	0.813	0.813
	90.12	5080	161.97	100	9.8	90.51	0	0	0	0	89.7	0.789	0.805
	91.32	5280	169.44	100	8.3	91.72	0	0	0	0	90.91	0.782	0.805
	92.52	5440	173.56	100	9	92.93	0	0	0	0	92.13	0.805	0.805
	93.73	5600	174.11	100	10.5	94.24	0	0	0	0	93.33	0.797	0.805
	95.04	5480	3.64	5.9	10.5	95.54	0	0	0	0	94.64	0.961	0.922
	96.34	4760	9.67	7.1	4.5	96.74	0	0	0	0	95.94	1.991	1.047
	97.55	4000	9.44	7.1	3	97.95	0	0	0	0	97.15	1.991	1.047
	98.75	3800	8.78	6.7	2.3	99.15	0	0	0	0	98.35	1.991	1.047
	100.07	3080	7.69	5.9	1.5	100.47	0	0	0	0	99.57	1.991	1.047
	101.27	2480	6.78	5.1	0	101.68	0	0	0	0	100.87	1.991	1.047
	102.56	1240	2.44	1.6	4.5	102.98	0	0	0	0	102.18	1.991	0.797
	103.79	2360	6.53	4.7	0.8	104.29	0	0	0	0	103.38	1.991	1.047

Run Number 3

Banks 032, 115, 118

sorry, quite a long run, accelerating in 5th as usual from 2000rpm, then slowed and then gunned it hard in each gear

 	Group A:	'032		Group B:	'115				Group C:	'118			
		Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost
	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar
MARKER	STAMP	%	%	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	16.88	-0.4	-7	17.28	2080	94	2460	1300	16.48	2000	23	53.7	1240
	18.08	-0.4	-7	18.6	2240	103	2440	1420	17.68	2120	22	54.9	1330
	19.4	-0.4	-7	19.89	2400	111.3	2470	1570	19	2280	21	55.3	1470
	20.71	-0.4	-7	21.2	2600	122.6	2490	1750	20.29	2440	21	54.1	1610
	22	-0.4	-7	22.42	2800	135.3	2510	1980	21.6	2640	21	53.3	1830
	23.31	-0.4	-7	23.71	3040	145.1	2520	2150	22.91	2880	21	52.9	2060
	24.53	-0.4	-7	25.03	3280	149.6	2430	2190	24.11	3080	21	53.3	2160
	25.83	-0.4	-7	26.23	3520	153.4	2380	2200	25.43	3360	21	53.3	2180
	27.04	-0.4	-7	27.54	3760	157.1	2410	2210	26.64	3600	22	53.3	2210
	28.45	-0.4	-7	28.85	4000	157.9	2430	2180	28.05	3840	23	52.9	2190
	29.65	-0.4	-7	30.16	4240	163.9	2400	2220	29.25	4080	23	52.9	2210
	30.96	-0.4	-7	31.36	4480	167.7	2370	2260	30.56	4320	24	52.9	2190
	32.16	-0.4	-7	32.56	4680	165.4	2350	2220	31.76	4520	24	52.9	2220
	33.47	-0.4	-7	33.87	4880	166.2	2330	2190	32.98	4720	24	52.5	2220
	34.69	-0.4	-7	35.18	5080	165.4	2310	2170	34.27	4920	26	52.5	2230
	36.1	-0.4	-7	36.5	5280	165.4	2300	2180	35.6	5120	26	51.8	2170
	77.21	-0.4	-7	77.63	1960	90.2	2460	1300	76.83	1880	23	53.3	1270
	78.54	-0.4	-7	78.94	2120	99.2	2440	1370	78.03	2000	22	54.1	1320
	79.84	-0.4	-7	80.24	2280	109	2470	1510	79.34	2200	21	55.3	1410
	81.15	-0.4	-7	81.55	2480	118.8	2480	1680	80.65	2360	21	54.9	1560
	82.35	-0.4	-7	82.76	2680	131.6	2500	1890	81.95	2560	21	53.7	1740
	83.66	-0.4	-7	84.06	2920	141.4	2530	2110	83.26	2760	21	52.9	2000
	84.87	-0.4	-7	85.27	3160	148.1	2470	2190	84.46	3000	21	53.3	2130
	86.07	-0.4	-7	86.47	3400	152.6	2400	2210	85.67	3240	21	53.3	2180
	87.29	-0.4	-7	87.69	3640	158.6	2390	2230	86.87	3480	22	53.3	2190
	88.49	-0.4	-7	88.89	3880	157.9	2420	2190	88.09	3720	23	53.3	2220
	89.69	-0.4	-7	90.11	4120	157.9	2410	2210	89.29	3960	23	52.9	2190
	91	-0.4	-7	91.4	4360	163.9	2380	2210	90.6	4200	24	52.9	2220
	92.22	-0.4	-7	92.62	4600	166.9	2350	2230	91.8	4440	24	52.9	2250
	93.42	-0.4	-7	93.82	4800	165.4	2330	2200	93.02	4680	24	52.9	2210
	94.73	-0.4	-7	95.13	5040	168.4	2310	2200	94.33	4880	26	52.5	2230
	96.02	-0.4	-7	96.44	5240	163.9	2310	2180	95.62	5120	26	52.2	2180
	97.26	-0.4	-7	97.75	5440	165.4	2300	2170	96.84	5280	27	51.4	2190
	98.65	-0.4	-7	99.05	5120	11.3	1000	1190	98.15	5400	27	0	2460
	99.85	-0.4	-7	100.26	4520	12	1000	1060	99.45	4920	23	0	1120
	101.16	-0.4	-7	101.56	3920	11.3	1000	1040	100.76	4280	24	0	1050
	102.38	-0.4	-7	102.78	3480	12	1000	1040	101.96	3840	24	0	1040
	103.58	-0.4	-7	103.98	2800	13.5	1000	1040	103.18	3280	24	0	1040
	104.89	-0.4	-7	105.29	2000	14.3	1000	1030	104.49	2520	25	0	1040
	106.18	-0.4	-7	106.6	2200	13.5	1000	1020	105.78	1280	26	0	1030
	107.4	-0.4	-7	107.9	2960	85.7	1000	1220	107	2840	26	0	1020
	108.71	-0.4	-7	109.21	2960	12	1000	1160	108.29	3000	25	0	1470
	110.12	-0.4	-7	110.61	2800	12.8	1000	1050	109.61	2920	23	0	1110
	111.53	-0.4	-7	112.02	2680	24.8	1000	1030	111.13	2720	24	0	1050
	112.82	-0.4	-7	113.24	2720	40.6	1000	1050	112.42	2680	24	0	1030
	114.13	-0.4	-7	114.53	2800	23.3	1000	1080	113.73	2760	24	0	1060
	115.35	-0.4	-7	115.85	2760	36.1	1000	1040	114.93	2800	24	0	1060
	116.65	-0.4	-7	117.05	2880	51.9	1000	1090	116.25	2800	24	0	1050
	117.86	-0.4	-7	118.26	3040	46.6	1000	1140	117.46	2920	24	0	1130
	119.06	-0.4	-7	119.57	3160	49.6	1000	1160	118.66	3080	23	0	1140
	120.37	-0.4	-7	120.77	3200	37.6	1000	1060	119.97	3200	23	0	1180
	121.57	-0.4	-7	121.97	3400	76.7	1200	1320	121.17	3240	23	0	1090
	122.79	-0.4	-7	123.19	3960	159.4	2440	2280	122.39	3520	23	53.3	1530
	123.99	-0.4	-7	124.39	4640	169.2	2370	2270	123.59	4160	24	52.9	2230
	125.3	-0.4	-7	125.7	5360	167.7	2330	2150	124.8	4840	24	52.5	2260
	126.5	-0.4	-7	126.92	5920	161.7	2330	2120	126.1	5560	24	51	2080
	127.72	-0.4	-7	128.12	6400	151.9	2390	2120	127.32	6120	25	50.2	2110
	129.03	-0.4	-7	129.43	5240	167.7	2310	2220	128.52	5920	25	51	1630
	130.23	-0.4	-7	130.63	5560	165.4	2310	2150	129.83	5360	26	51.4	2160
	131.44	-0.4	-7	131.96	5920	163.2	2310	2080	131.03	5680	27	50.6	2170
	132.76	-0.4	-7	133.25	6160	155.6	2350	2100	132.36	6000	29	49.8	2130
	134.07	-0.4	-7	134.47	6840	119.5	1000	2220	133.65	6240	30	50.6	2080
	135.25	-0.4	-7	135.67	5280	165.4	2310	2210	134.85	5120	27	52.2	1670
	136.47	-0.4	-7	136.87	5440	165.4	2310	2170	136.07	5360	30	51.4	2180
	137.68	-0.4	-7	138.18	5640	164.7	2320	2160	137.27	5520	30	51	2160
	138.98	-0.4	-7	139.39	5760	162.4	2320	2130	138.58	5680	30	50.6	2160
	140.18	-0.4	-7	140.59	5680	28.6	1000	1950	139.79	5800	31	50.2	2150
	141.49	-0.4	-7	142	5280	12	1000	1110	141.09	5640	28	0	1300
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Full Member
Oct 28, 2005
Yeah looks like you have a boost leak mate. MAF readings seem a tad low but that could be down to the low boost levels or possibly on its way out. Fuel trims and lambda readings show that your running a little rich which agen could be down to a boost leak. I would suggest having a good check of all your hoses.

The fault codes you have logged i would imagine are from having the injectors unplugged to crank the engine to prime the turbo etc. Nothing to worry about i dont think, just clear them and they shouldn't re-apear.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
You'd be better to do these in 4th Tony, it keeps you in a closer 1:1 ratio and keeps the speeds down a bit.
As above, boost figures look a bit low and never meeting the requested figures.
Points to a possible boost leak or weak DV


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
it was 1.4bar when it left me tony and more airflow..
duty cycle is very low so not running out of n75

you on ebc/mbc or n75 now, I've lost track :confused:

check for pipe leak somewhere.
injectors have obviously been unplugged at some point for those codes.
(dont forget your wiring is toast, and split everywhere on the coil side... aka shagged)


it was 1.4bar when it left me tony and more airflow..
duty cycle is very low so not running out of n75

you on ebc/mbc or n75 now, I've lost track :confused:

check for pipe leak somewhere.
injectors have obviously been unplugged at some point for those codes.
(dont forget your wiring is toast, and split everywhere on the coil side... aka shagged)

still running on N75, not touched that side of things at all

I will check for loose pipes tonight, as just got home and need the engine to cool down

and so it starts over again.......:(
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gone over the engine bay and tightened a few things, DV seemed a bit loose amongst a couple of other hoses, but nothing too bad

went out to log it, but the laptop died....either way its still boosting at 1.1bar

I would like to do a static pressure test on the actuator, but unfortunately I dont have the tool....just to make sure it is still holding at 1bar and has not sagged

what do we reckon to check next, replace the MAF as it was reading a little low and could be on its way out

any chance of borrowing yours Bill :D

EDIT: would one of these pumps do the job?|293:1|294:50|293:1|294:50
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wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Don't buy the vaccum pump as it measures vaccum and not boost.

Just use a standard foot pump and plumb a cheap gauge in circuit with it.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
gone over the engine bay and tightened a few things, DV seemed a bit loose amongst a couple of other hoses, but nothing too bad

went out to log it, but the laptop died....either way its still boosting at 1.1bar

I would like to do a static pressure test on the actuator, but unfortunately I dont have the tool....just to make sure it is still holding at 1bar and has not sagged

what do we reckon to check next, replace the MAF as it was reading a little low and could be on its way out

any chance of borrowing yours Bill :D

EDIT: would one of these pumps do the job?|293:1|294:50|293:1|294:50

mityvac is what i use. make sure it does pressure and vac, some only do vac
disconnect n75 electrically and see what it boost to. thats your static actuator pressure.


mityvac is what i use. make sure it does pressure and vac, some only do vac
disconnect n75 electrically and see what it boost to. thats your static actuator pressure.

N75 disconnected on way back tonight

boosting at 0.7bar

should it not be boosting at 1bar as specced from CRT's originally? I know you had some issues initially

has the spring sagged?

fix = new spring or for longevity reasons a forge actuator?


Full Member
Jan 5, 2005
wastegate will open from a combination of boost pressure and back pressure.

When Bill tested my wastegate on a hand pump it opened at 15 PSI I think but on the road it opens at 12PSI
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Full Member
Jan 5, 2005
I just mean to say that if someone has specced an actuator to a certain pressure (say 1bar/14.5PSI) you may find that on smaller turbos like the k03/k04 the pressure inside the exhaust housing can help to open the actuator from the inside. So you could have 12-13 PSI pushing on the actuator rod and 2-3PSI of exhaust pressure inside the turbo helping the actuator to open


I just mean to say that if someone has specced an actuator to a certain pressure (say 1bar/14.5PSI) you may find that on smaller turbos like the k03/k04 the pressure inside the exhaust housing can help to open the actuator from the inside. So you could have 12-13 PSI pushing on the actuator rod and 2-3PSI of exhaust pressure inside the turbo helping the actuator to open

oh right ok

I always thought a actuator specced at 1bar should read 1bar if just running on actuator pressure
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