K&N Oil = MAF damage "myth"


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
Seems K&N are very keen to put this issue to bed. They've apparently even gone to the trouble of conducting tests that they claim prove their side of the story.

See here:


Appologies if this has been posted before.


Intersting read. I wonder if anyone off here has or thinks they have had a MAF sensor damaged by oil? I've heard rumours and people mention it but has anyone defo had one fail due to the oil?


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
most coated filters got the blame by ignorent dealers when it came to MAF failures... but they would always clam up when bog stock cars suffered just as many MAF's under warranty. Simply poor components.


Coated filters when coated in excess can and will allow that excess to be drawn out of the filter and across the MAF element. (if in doubt, blot it out)
(DIY cleaner kits can be used to excess as an example.)

Main VAG failure mode is down to oil, but this oil is engine breather oil from the crankcase breather system and recirculating DV blowing it back across the maf.


Aug 24, 2001
I got the ramair kit from you bill, having the seperate breather filter = far less chance of my maf getting bongo'd in goop.


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
most coated filters got the blame by ignorent dealers when it came to MAF failures... but they would always clam up when bog stock cars suffered just as many MAF's under warranty. Simply poor components.


Coated filters when coated in excess can and will allow that excess to be drawn out of the filter and across the MAF element. (if in doubt, blot it out)
(DIY cleaner kits can be used to excess as an example.)

Main VAG failure mode is down to oil, but this oil is engine breather oil from the crankcase breather system and recirculating DV blowing it back across the maf.

Have you read this bit Bill?

Ok the maf is likely to need a good clean ... but they're saying it wasn't permanently damanged ...

" 2. We coated both hot wire and film style sensors with K&N filter oil in both controlled (laboratory) and uncontrolled (real world) environments - none triggered check engine lights. We created extreme conditions, beyond anything an engine would ever experience such as submersing a MAF sensor in filter oil and monitored the sensor readings while spraying it with test dust. Even under these circumstances, the MAF sensor was not damaged. In addition, we were able to take this same MAF sensor, clean it, and found that the readings were identical to the ones taken prior to the extreme testing. "

They really seem to be taking the testing seriously .....


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Have you read this bit Bill?

Ok the maf is likely to need a good clean ... but they're saying it wasn't permanently damanged ...

" 2. We coated both hot wire and film style sensors with K&N filter oil in both controlled (laboratory) and uncontrolled (real world) environments - none triggered check engine lights. We created extreme conditions, beyond anything an engine would ever experience such as submersing a MAF sensor in filter oil and monitored the sensor readings while spraying it with test dust. Even under these circumstances, the MAF sensor was not damaged. In addition, we were able to take this same MAF sensor, clean it, and found that the readings were identical to the ones taken prior to the extreme testing. "

They really seem to be taking the testing seriously .....

no i've not bothered reading K&N's stuff lately.

I haver seen over oiled piperX as an example kill a MAF dead. Was working fine the day before the owner sprayed his filter to oblivion... literally dripped.

Bosch MAF's on our cars are not very robust. The search function confirms this.
Vibration is biggest killer IMHO, followed by excess oil (be it engine breather fume oil, or getting excess filter coatings)

{edit}just had a quick read.
"Oil most often enters a MAF in the form of vapor via an engine’s PCV system. In an effort to lower emissions, positive crankcase ventilation systems use a PCV valve to draw fuel and oil vapors from the crankcase, this can allow blow-by gases to make it past the piston rings, and reintroduces them into the intake system upstream of air flow metering devices. When a throttle body or airflow meter needs cleaning, the oily film that is removed is largely a product of this system. "

Sounds familiar.. been saying the same for years. what took them so long :p
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Full Member
Aug 6, 2001
Hemel Hempstead
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I think the majority of free flowing oil coated air filters will be fine. I had a K&N on my car for around 15000 miles. never had an issue. I believe green filters are also oiled, but i haven't heard of any issues with these.

I think its always been the case that Over Oiling can lead to Maf contamination.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2004
Having read the test report, I think there is a heavy bias to those results.

They show a large number of MAFs failing because they are 'dirty', but K&N don't analyse what that dirt is apart from saying it isn't K&N oil. Is it engine oil from the recirculation system, or is it road dirt that hasn't been filtered out properly by the K&N filter? It is also interesting that any time the MAF has an excess of silicone mounting compound (which won't cause a failure), they don't test any further.

A very interesting piece of work, but ultimately useless because it dig into any of the other possible failure modes of a K&N filter - only overoiling.

Mar 30, 2008
whats the process for cleaning the MAF. someone earlier said use alcohol.

I've had a K&N panel in mine for about 20k miles and seems fine, but might want to take out MAF to check.


Full Member
May 22, 2003
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How ditry can a MAF get? I had a MAF failure last year and thought a clean may be the answer.I immersed the sensor,after removing from its housing in isoprobyl (totally clear liquid looks just like water)and did not see any dirt or discolouration in the liquid whatsoever


Boost Junky
Jun 6, 2006
Intersting read. I wonder if anyone off here has or thinks they have had a MAF sensor damaged by oil? I've heard rumours and people mention it but has anyone defo had one fail due to the oil?

yup ive had a MAF go because I fitted a cone filter. This was on my astra coupe. It died within 5 weeks of fitting. When the part was stripped down the sensor hand gunk on it which could have only come from the cone (coated with K&N Oil)


K&N is great. used them for years on different cars. Said it many times; Dont over oil, and let dry properly between wash and oiling AND after oiling. I let it sit overnight after wash and after oil. Yes, no driving for 2 days. Never had a problem.


Pushing on
Aug 15, 2005
I went for 3 years without any MAF problems at all when I had a standard air filter, since having my Pipercross I've had 2 MAFs fail in 14 months. I think it is too much of a coincidence to be honest.


18psi goodness
Sep 3, 2006
Just had my second MAF die on me.

OEM was reading a bit low according to AMD when I had my car mapped in March. MAF died on the way home (Pipercross filter, 007p, AMD map), got a cheap replacement as they couldnt get Bosch at the time and yesterday it failed again 0g/s readings again.

Will head to the dealers to get another MAF and hope it doesnt do it again :/
Anyone brought a dead one back from the dead before ?
Mar 29, 2007
Interesting that you guys are having trouble with the pipercross filters, which I believe are dry foam filters. Most others on the cotton filters (K&N excepted) don't seem to be having so many problems...
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