cam belt change


Active Member
Nov 25, 2008
I've had mine changed recently.

50k miles on an 04 plate - should probably have been done last year....

The garage said that it was best to have it done as they can just go even when they look in good condition.....

Changed it for peace of mind and for the service history.

Did you get it done at a stealer? If so what was the damage?


Active Member
Nov 25, 2008
Does anyone know the aprox cost of this? Also is it worth getting the water pump done at the same time and would that all be included?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2008
My (recently acquired as of Dec 2008) 2004 Ibiza TDI has done 54k. I am getting mine done at the start of April with its '60k service' (even though it will only have done 55k ish by then, however will be 4.75 years old).

My service schedule that came with the car states the cambelt should be changed every 60k miles. It does not mention a time limit on it however.. I have read many people state 4yr or 60k. Not sure where the 4yr thing comes from, perhaps it has been updated since the service schedules were written..


Its worth trying to get a water pump with a metal impeller rather than the plastic one. The platic ones almost always fail in the end, if the impeller doesnt crack off it will more than likley have cracks in it. Ive seen cars with 20k have cracked impellers. Best not to go OEM on the water pumps!


Active Member
Feb 13, 2007
my came up to 4 years in december, its on 31k at the moment, I plan on getting it done in the next few months


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
As said already, you can not carry out a conclusive "look see" without stripping the engine down and checking all the idlers, pulleys and water pump, even then you will also need to have a look at the inside surface of the belt as that is where the cracking starts, also remember without removing the waterpump you will not know if the impellor is cracking or not. Which all leads back to the correct action is just to change all that lot. By the way, when I got this lot changed in my wife's Polo with a BBY engine, the exchange VAG waterpump did have a metal impellor, so maybe just, in the first place request a VAG exchange pump and open the box while in the parts dept, if its impellor is not metal just reject it - for that reason. The plastic impellor is usually black where as the metal impellor will be plated metal colour.
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