As will said my PD100 stocked at 123BHP so 156BHP was easily achieved and then 158BHP was achieved with my magnex exhaust.
Wow thats crazy, i new the engines had some varience in power but thats loads, i wonder why seat didn't call it a 120 or something. knowing my luck my 150 probably got 149bhp
lol almost as much bhp as me! WTH what map you got? I have 293.9 torque though but thats awsome for pd100.
Bet your pleased eh?
So whats next?
will be getting a boot build like this on friday!
Like f**k you will mate! haha!
You should've made one yourself - it's so easy to do....
i will he is having my car for the day tomorrow to fit it
lol, good idea. Doesn't take up any extra room - how does it sound?
this is the picture that made me ask because if its NOT ported then an encloser that small will surely choke the sub :S (if you know what i mean??)
I always thought that with a sub you needed either one side of the sub exposed to the atmosphere or a port hole. With this being under the boot floor I can't see how the air will have room to move as you say. But I'm gonna have a meet up with Sportrider next week and we'll have a chat and look.
It might be a case of you need to see it to believe it. I really don't know.