Think it's time for a test.
I've got two standard airboxes for my LCR
One smoothed, one not.
and two filters.
Standard OEM part and Green Cotton Panel.
I've also got a full Ross-Tech Vag-Com.
So folks, it should be pretty easy for me to do some g/s performance tests with different combos and compare the results.
i. Standard box --- OEM and Green Panel.
ii. Smoothed lower Box OEM Upper with Green Filter
iii. Full Smoothed box with Green filter.
All I need to know is what I need to be logging (bit of a VAG-COM noob)
and what I need to be doing to the car.
2nd 3rd gear??? Rev range etc etc....
I've got a nice long smooth straight piece of dual carriage way to test on too.
(within the speed limits of course!!!!
Any ideas?