suspension...decisions decisions...


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
i have been going on and on about upgrading my suspension for my LCR for ages..:lol:....and i have done a bit of research, but i am still undecided....i need to treat myself and the car to a nice christmas prezzie..:p

ok, i dont want to go really really low due to the shitey roads round more than 25mm!.. at first i was looking at the KW v2, due to the great reviews etc, but due to the price ( will be getting some ARBS at the same time) pushed the cost including fitting and allignment on the worst side of £1400:cry:...

i think i will settle for the upgraded dampers and springs tbh...all i need to know is what is the best spring/ damper combo...i realize there are loads...obviously money comes into it so i dont want some crappy cheapo stuff...just something that will be a massive improvent without spending £1400 :whistle:off the top of my head;

eibach/koni fsds
eibach springs/ standard dampers
H and R kit

are there any more?..the only thing that lets the LCR down IMO is the handling...i want to invest in it, but obviously in the current climate the most reasonably priced would be better...

hopefully someone can give me some ideas, because i have just renewed my insurance and i have a 3 week le-way i.e (if i fit them now i get to pay nothing extra)....:)


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
please no one say do a have searched and tbh most people settle for coilovers....i want a different aproach (if its good enough for aston martin (for there limited editions) then for me too...


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Bret, you may not even need ARBs if you go with good coilovers. Have a word with probee at the next meet as his setup is pretty good and he hasnt got ARBs.

I would say if your going to go just shocks (which i wouldnt just go for shocks, i would get springs changed) then Koni FSD's are a good option.

Shocks and Spring Setup
1) Eibach Pro Street
2) H&R Cup Kit
3) Koni FSDs w/ Eibach Springs

1) KW V2s
3) AP Coilovers
4) Billstein

At the end of the day unless you go in different cars with different setups you wont know and will just have to go on peoples reviews opinions.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
thanks maz, appreciate it..

i know you like the H/R kit, and i was tempted myself, but as you say i havent sat in any motors going at speed to fully see what works best....was looking at the eibachs spring/fsd but it seems the drop is only 15mm if that....would feel slightly better but wont look drastically diffferent.

are variant 1 a big no no then?....i showed some interest in the AP coilovers but there are very few reviews of them atm...whats the ride and drop like on the eibach pro street and your setup?


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Variant 2 the minimum drop is 15mm front and 20mm rear or it might be the otherway round. Same goes for V3's. I personally do not like the konifsd's and eibach springs as they didnt handle as good as the H&R and were harsher ride.

If i was in your situation now I would go v2's, put them on their highest setting...i might even do that myself eventually.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
Variant 2 the minimum drop is 15mm front and 20mm rear or it might be the otherway round. Same goes for V3's. I personally do not like the konifsd's and eibach springs as they didnt handle as good as the H&R and were harsher ride.

If i was in your situation now I would go v2's, put them on their highest setting...i might even do that myself eventually.

a few reviews said the eibach/koni is the suspension that should of come straight out the factory (for the LCR)...

im sure i asked you before but what did you pay for your set up?...and can the H/R drop 20mm or is it much more?


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
a few reviews said the eibach/koni is the suspension that should of come straight out the factory (for the LCR)...

im sure i asked you before but what did you pay for your set up?...and can the H/R drop 20mm or is it much more?
The problem is few people deviate from the norm and go for the safe option.

I paid £550 all in for mine 2 years ago now. Drop is 35mm but you can get same version with 55mm drop. My drop made the car around 15mm lower than LCRs although for some strange reason DKs LCR is same ride height :)

If its the dropped your worried about then just get ARBs first as that will make a massive difference to handling.


i would'nt fit koni fsd's to an lcr (i find these cars unstable at speed with those shocks fitted) best lcr set-up ive driven was with wietec hicon gt's (coilovers without damper adjustment) and arb's (cant remember what make) If you would like a quote on one of these kits then please p.m me.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
ok so i am reviving an old thread, but i need some advice as i have decided i am getting the weitec GT coilovers, but i read somewhere a 25mm rear ARB is the maximum size you can go otherwise the rear will be too stiff

i really wanted 22mm front and 28mm rear but not if its too tight....also im getting a custom upper rear strut brace fabricated too...will it be ok?

advice pleez
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