AM04 Logs


Apr 9, 2006
Did some logs tonight so thought i would post them up see what you think. My WG duty is still 95.3 most of the time but has always been like this even after changing intercooler so not sure if its the way car is mapped as its always requesting max boost high up revs?

See what you think though


	Group A:	'002			
		Engine RPM	Engine Load	Ave. Inj. Period	Air Mass Flow
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0.01	2360	12.8	0	5.83
	0.38	2400	31.6	7.38	31.53
	0.78	2400	91.7	8.2	45.81
	1.18	2520	115	9.43	61.06
	1.58	2640	142.9	10.25	78.11
	1.98	2800	171.4	11.89	99.11
	2.38	2960	188	13.53	111.31
	2.78	3160	191.7	19.68	115.61
	3.18	3360	191.7	20.91	122.81
	3.58	3520	191.7	21.32	132.56
	3.98	3720	191.7	20.91	141.94
	4.38	3880	191.7	20.09	147.25
	4.78	4080	191.7	19.27	155.92
	5.2	4240	191.7	19.27	164.47
	5.6	4400	191.7	19.68	173.53
	6.09	4600	191.7	19.68	176.22
	6.49	4760	191.7	19.27	180.89
	6.89	4920	191.7	18.86	181.47
	7.29	5120	188.7	17.63	183.42
	7.69	5280	185.7	15.17	185.22
	8.09	5440	186.5	13.94	193.28
	8.49	5600	187.2	12.3	200.61
	8.89	5760	182.7	12.71	201.56
	9.29	5880	180.5	13.12	203.33
	9.69	6000	178.2	12.71	203.67
	10.09	6160	174.4	12.71	204.78
	10.49	6280	172.9	12.3	206.42
	10.89	6400	169.2	11.89	207.33
	11.29	6520	164.7	11.07	204.39
	11.69	6600	162.4	11.48	203.53
	12.09	6720	159.4	11.48	205.22
	12.49	6840	158.6	11.07	207.81
	12.89	6960	155.6	11.07	206.5
	13.29	7000	154.9	11.07	207.81
	13.69	7080	153.4	10.66	208.47
	14.09	7200	151.1	10.66	207.36
	14.49	7280	148.1	10.25	206.44

	Group A:	'020			
		Cyl #1	Cyl #2	Cyl #3	Cyl #4
	0.01	0	0	0	0
	0.4	0	0	0	0
	0.89	0	0	0	0
	1.29	0	0	0	0
	1.69	0	0	0	0
	2.19	0	0	0	0
	2.59	0	0	0	0
	2.99	0	0	0	0
	3.39	0	0	0	0
	3.88	0	0	0	0
	4.28	0	0	0	0
	4.68	0	0	0	0
	5.08	0	0	0	0
	5.48	0	0	0	0
	5.88	0	0	0	0
	6.28	0	0	0	0
	6.68	0	0	0	0
	7.1	0	0	0	0
	7.5	0	0	0	0
	7.9	0	0	0	0
	8.4	0	0	0	0
	8.8	0	0	0	0
	9.19	0	0	0	0
	9.59	0	0	0	0
	9.99	0	0	0	0
	10.39	0	0	0	0
	10.79	0	0	0	0
	11.19	0	0	0	0
	11.59	0	0	0	0
	11.99	0	0	0	0
	12.39	0	0	0	0
	12.79	0	0	0	0
	13.19	0	0	0	0
	13.59	0	0	0	0
	13.99	0	0	0	0
	14.39	0	0	0	0
	14.8	0	0	0	0

	Group A:	'115			
		Engine Speed	Load	Cmd Pressure	Press @ Intercool
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar
	0.01	2680	12	1010	1040
	0.4	2640	12	1010	1040
	0.8	2640	12	1010	1040
	3.2	2480	12	1010	1040
	3.58	2480	12	1010	1040
	3.98	2520	88	2500	1070
	4.4	2640	116.5	2500	1320
	4.78	2800	148.9	2500	1650
	5.18	2960	184.2	2510	2050
	5.58	3080	191.7	2320	2330
	5.98	3280	191.7	2310	2410
	6.38	3480	191.7	2340	2380
	6.78	3640	191.7	2340	2330
	7.2	3840	191.7	2350	2340
	7.6	4000	191.7	2330	2340
	8	4240	191.7	2320	2350
	8.49	4440	191.7	2330	2350
	9	4640	191.7	2340	2300
	9.4	4840	191.7	2350	2250
	9.8	5000	191.7	2370	2180
	10.2	5200	188.7	2550	2110
	10.59	5320	187.2	2550	2080
	10.99	5480	187.2	2550	2080
	11.39	5640	186.5	2550	2060
	11.79	5760	182.7	2550	2040
	12.2	5920	180.5	2550	2040
	12.59	6040	175.9	2550	2020
	12.99	6200	173.7	2550	2010
	13.39	6280	171.4	2550	1990
	13.79	6400	169.2	2550	2000
	14.19	6520	165.4	2550	1990
	14.59	6640	163.2	2550	1980
	14.99	6720	160.9	2550	1960
	15.39	6840	158.6	2550	1960
	15.79	6480	8.3	1010	1640

	Group A:	'118			
		Engine Speed	Intake Temp	N75 Duty Cycle	Press @ Intercool
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	0.01	2400	24	95.3	1180
	0.4	2520	24	95.3	1410
	0.8	2680	23	95.3	1690
	1.2	2840	22	95.3	2030
	1.6	3040	21	95.3	2310
	2	3200	21	95.3	2390
	2.4	3400	21	95.3	2350
	2.78	3560	20	95.3	2350
	3.2	3760	20	95.3	2350
	3.6	3920	21	95.3	2360
	4	4120	21	94.9	2360
	4.49	4360	21	93.7	2380
	4.89	4560	22	93.3	2350
	5.29	4720	23	95.3	2260
	5.81	4920	23	95.3	2180
	6.21	5080	24	95.3	2110
	6.61	5280	24	95.3	2050
	7	5400	24	95.3	2070
	7.4	5560	24	95.3	2050
	7.8	5720	26	95.3	2030
	8.2	5880	26	95.3	2000
	8.6	6040	27	95.3	2000
	9	6160	27	95.3	2000
	9.4	6280	27	95.3	1980
	9.8	6440	28	95.3	2000
	10.19	6560	29	95.3	1980
	10.59	6640	29	95.3	1970
	10.99	6200	27	0	1490
	11.39	5480	26	0	1200

	Group A:	'114			
		Spec. Load	Load Correction	Actual Load	N75 Duty Cycle
	0.38	156.4	155.2	82	0
	0.78	167.7	164.2	91.7	95.3
	1.18	183.5	180.6	106.8	95.3
	1.58	190.2	186.6	127.1	95.3
	1.98	191.7	191	151.9	95.3
	2.38	191.7	194	171.4	95.3
	2.78	191.7	195.5	182.7	95.3
	3.18	191.7	197	188	95.3
	3.58	191.7	197	186.5	95.3
	3.98	191.7	198.5	185.7	95.3
	4.38	191.7	198.5	184.2	95.3
	4.79	191.7	200	182.7	95.3
	5.18	191.7	200	184.2	95.3
	5.69	191.7	201.5	172.9	94.1
	6.09	191.7	201.5	173.7	94.9
	6.49	191.7	201.5	178.2	92.9
	6.89	191.7	203	179.7	91.4
	7.29	191.7	206	178.9	89.8
	7.69	191.7	217.9	175.9	91.4
	8.09	191.7	228.4	191.7	95.3
	8.49	191.7	240.3	191.7	95.3
	8.89	191.7	253.7	188	95.3
	9.29	191.7	270.1	186.5	95.3
	9.69	191.7	282.1	187.2	95.3
	10.09	191.7	295.5	185.7	95.3
	10.49	191.7	311.9	182	95.3
	10.89	191.7	320.9	179.7	95.3
	11.29	191.7	326.9	175.9	95.3
	11.69	191.7	329.9	173.7	95.3
	12.09	191.7	332.8	169.9	95.3
	12.49	191.7	332.8	166.9	95.3
	12.98	191.7	331.3	163.2	95.3
	13.38	191.7	331.3	160.9	95.3
	13.78	191.7	331.3	159.4	95.3
	14.18	191.7	332.8	8.3	0
Last edited:


Full Member
Oct 28, 2005
What map is it? 22 psi seems a bit high to be requesting at redline. Your turbos really struggling to make the requested boost from 4.5k onwards. Your fueling doesn't seem right either looking at your injector timing, possibly a boost leak some where?


Apr 9, 2006
Its a Jabba map, my mates is a Jabba map and his does the same, its requests max boost all the time, i know i don't expect it to meet the boost high up the revs, cause its requesting the max it can give.
Nope no boost leak, its been tested


Seem to be struggling to hit requested ( but requested is a tad high ) but from g/s readings should hit around 275 bhp


Apr 9, 2006
Seem to be struggling to hit requested ( but requested is a tad high ) but from g/s readings should hit around 275 bhp

Yep but i think thats just because of the map, but everythings running fine on it. Im thinking that with the maf reading too, which is enough for me :D

I think the requested boost and wg duty has more to do with the map than my car or turbo


Probably right , but it running its ass off at that , just how i like it ( IHI @ 1.5BAR ) BOOM!!!!!
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