i am being thick or something why does it matter how big it is surly the turbo sucks as much air as it needs to spool, it depends on what its made of that resticks the turbo and it is fine gourse so its better than a cotton filter!!
that will improve spool alot
but i think its in the actual nature of your turbo though, you will get it down bit equel length and 1.9 but thats alot of £££ just to get your spoolup time quicker, it would be cheaper replacing the turbo witha faster spooling one wouldnt it?
a good example but not strickly true, say you were both using the straws to drink yeah!!! one had a flaired end on his straw and one had a normal one, they would drink the same as the restriction is the pipework into the turbo on not whats on the end!!