THS Intercooler fitted :)


Active Member
Jan 23, 2007
St. Albans, hertfordshire
hey people, after all the good things i have heard about the THS intercooler i couldnt resist getting one! :D it came straight away, so i rang SFS and spoke to Lee (thank you hooch) he did me an amazing deal and had all the parts including the alloy pipe on the shelf! I went and picked them up the same day. i bought some nice black grill that im still thinking of putting on for protection and i did the pipe work slightly different to other people on here because my car is pretty low and i wanted the alloy pipe to sit as high as possible, but heres some pics of it, what do you think?










Active Member
Jan 23, 2007
St. Albans, hertfordshire
That looks pretty neat, how is it held onto the crash bar?
Was it hard getting it central?

i mounted the intercooler to the back of the crash bar with 3 angle brackets, was pretty easy but it took me quite along time getting it central as i didnt want it anything else than central lol it took me the whole day to do everything and thats including a struggle getting the bumper off:whistle: lol

unfortunatly i havent got vagcom yet but im going to the herts meet on saturday so i will try and get some done then :)

Intercooler - £110
SFS Pipes - £70
Alloy Pipe - £20
Jubalie Clips -£5

so £205 in total :)

thanks for the response guys
May 2, 2006
laughs at this thread.......... seriously....... i did

people are still buying this cooler WITHOUT SEEING LOGS!!

Unbelievable imo ! complete madness !

p.s i have a air filter for sale which will gain you 197bhp, i can get copies, spread the word, everyone will buy one ;)


Active Member
Sep 13, 2007
laughs at this thread.......... seriously....... i did

people are still buying this cooler WITHOUT SEEING LOGS!!

Unbelievable imo ! complete madness !

p.s i have a air filter for sale which will gain you 197bhp, i can get copies, spread the word, everyone will buy one ;)

its bound to better than the standard smic regardless of the price
May 2, 2006
its bound to better than the standard smic regardless of the price

what makes you so sure?? it might be doing more damage than good

their is alot of things to think about regarding FMIC's, pressure loss, end tank design, flow rate, dwell time etc etc etc

i personally (i would tell others the same) wouldnt touch anything without seeing proof it works, not just "my mate says it pulls so much harder" yawns........


Active Member
Sep 13, 2007
the standard is small and shite...

when i replaced standard with laguna it pulled better and boost held longer...

laguna is french :|

so sureley you'd benefit over standard with this one too


Active Member
Jan 23, 2007
St. Albans, hertfordshire
there has been logs done on a very similar intercooler and was good enough for me! if no one bought an intercooler with out seeing any logs then everyone would have a forge one! and dont worry i will be getting the all important LOGS on saturday! any way i dont want this thread to start an intercooler debate i just wanted to show the people that are interested my intercooler!


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
In my view that looks great... and even if the logs don't quite compare to the Forge one they have to show a damn site cooler inlet charge than the standard interwarmer.

Good stuff mate.. looks wicked! I'm fitting a similer one when the weather gets less wet and your pics have helped a great deal!

Any chance of more pics of the mounting brackets?


May 2, 2006
the standard is small and shite...

when i replaced standard with laguna it pulled better and boost held longer...

laguna is french :|

so sureley you'd benefit over standard with this one too

do what you want with your cars.....
people that have been here for a while and seen it all before (not to mention the 1000's of threads on FMIC's) will tell you exactly the same and can only advise, how you take that advice is up to you

and i personally respect my car and wouldnt just throw on any old thing on because you "read" off someone else it was "better" - define better?

GRS intercooler springs to mind, advertised as great, prooved to be a crock of sh1te

theirs been a few threads up about this intercooler now (why you cant just use the 1 thread i dont know) and all are the same, people are saying "it pulls so much harder" etc etc etc, and everyone is asking for logs, so where are they?

where is your proof?

if it proves to be good then everyone will shut up and you can get a pat on the back, if it proves to be sh1te are you going to go out and tell all the people that went out and bought one that "your advice was wrong" ??

just concerned that loads of people will go out and buy one of these now and it "may" not even work, think about what your saying !
May 2, 2006
there has been logs done on a very similar intercooler and was good enough for me! if no one bought an intercooler with out seeing any logs then everyone would have a forge one! and dont worry i will be getting the all important LOGS on saturday! any way i dont want this thread to start an intercooler debate i just wanted to show the people that are interested my intercooler!

im not taking anything away from you, looks like you put a bit of work into it and it doesnt look bad, its jus tthat other people have bought this cooler before you, would you not want to see the logs of them before you departed with your hard earned cash....... or need to re do the lot if you found out it doesnt work??

alot of people run the laguna setup, but hardly anyone did until a few people on here bought them and logged them to death and posted up the results, after that people "knew" that it worked and were happy to go ahead with it

just guessing and such a important piece of your setup (imo) is just crazy


Slightly Unhinged........
Nov 21, 2005
For £200 its worth a try, if logs prove its worse the standard SMIC (which would mean it was really crap) then all you have to do is put the kit on ebay, and i'm guessing because the kit is already made up with piping etc for the Cupra then you may even get all your money back. Worth trying new things otherwise how else does the modifying world progress? If we all did the same things we'd all be driving around in identical cars....


Active Member
Jan 23, 2007
St. Albans, hertfordshire
i havent once said 'it pulls much better' or telling people to get one i have just put up pictures of what i have done. like i said i will get you your all important logs on saturday, if its worse than the standard one then i will take it off and think about another intercooler
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