Logs Lc180


Sold the car to buy a....
Just been out in the car and had the laptop in the back so decided to do the blocks i could remember off the top of my head without looking...
does it look a healthy Cupra...i think they look ok but is the maf low. Ran out of track so didnt quite get to redline.

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'118				Group C:
		Idle speed	Engine load	Inj. period	Air mass in		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost	
	TIME	700-820 rpm	15-25%	2.0 - 4.0 ms	2.0-4.5 g/s	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	TIME
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP
	0.02	1480	51.1	5.44	15.47	0.49	1560	29	95.3	1040	
	0.91	1600	78.2	8.5	26.31	1.4	1720	29	95.3	1180	
	1.8	1840	90.2	10.2	33.33	2.31	1960	29	95.3	1320	
	2.81	2120	109.8	12.24	47	3.21	2280	29	95.3	1570	
	3.61	2440	133.1	14.62	64.75	4.03	2600	30	67.1	1750	
	4.43	2800	131.6	14.62	70.08	4.92	3000	30	64.7	1700	
	5.32	3200	132.3	14.28	81.67	5.74	3360	30	62.7	1650	
	6.14	3520	132.3	14.28	89.47	6.63	3720	32	60	1620	
	7.03	3880	128.6	13.94	96.86	7.43	4040	33	62.7	1630	
	7.85	4240	130.1	14.62	105.53	8.25	4360	33	64.3	1640	
	8.74	4560	131.6	14.96	114.64	9.16	4720	34	64.7	1620	
	9.66	4920	131.6	15.98	122.44	10.06	5080	36	65.9	1640	
	10.47	5200	132.3	16.32	131.67	10.95	5360	36	68.2	1630	
	11.37	5520	133.1	16.66	141.58	11.88	5680	38	69.8	1640

	Group A:	'115				
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost	
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP
	0.02	1800	78.2	1640	1120	
	0.39	1920	86.5	1720	1200	
	0.9	2120	99.2	1740	1320	
	1.4	2320	114.3	1720	1500	
	1.8	2480	128.6	1710	1690	
	2.2	2680	132.3	1700	1740	
	2.6	2920	131.6	1690	1740	
	3.01	3120	130.8	1670	1690	
	3.41	3280	131.6	1650	1680	
	3.81	3520	132.3	1630	1660	
	4.23	3680	130.8	1650	1640	
	4.72	3960	129.3	1670	1640	
	5.24	4200	130.1	1680	1650	
	5.64	4360	130.8	1680	1660	
	6.13	4600	130.8	1680	1650	
	6.53	4760	131.6	1680	1660	
	6.93	4920	131.6	1680	1660	
	7.35	5000	115	980	1580
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Sold the car to buy a....
managed to get some 4th gear runs tonight on the dyno in the garage *cough* :)
i can't seem to get them laid out like they are in exel....sorry. Is there a way to do it?

002 and 003
		Group A:	'003				Group B:	'002			
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle speed	Engine load	Inj. period	Air mass in
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME	700-820 rpm	15-25%	2.0 - 4.0 ms	2.0-4.5 g/s
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0.37	1800	6.75	3.9	24.8	0.02	1800	12.8	0	6.92
	1.28	2320	44.33	96.1	15	0.79	2240	30.8	7.14	25.11
	2.08	2560	64.72	99.6	10.5	1.68	2440	109.8	11.9	57.42
	2.9	2840	72.39	100	13.5	2.48	2680	129.3	12.58	62.56
	3.7	3080	77.36	100	12.8	3.3	2960	136.8	13.94	73.17
	4.5	3360	85.81	100	15	4.1	3280	139.8	13.94	84
	5.3	3600	88.92	100	13.5	4.9	3480	134.6	14.28	87.72
	6.21	3920	96.28	100	18.8	5.71	3720	130.8	14.62	92.89
	7.12	4200	104.08	100	14.3	6.61	4040	128.6	14.62	99.25
	7.94	4480	110.22	100	18.8	7.52	4320	130.8	14.96	109.11
	8.74	4720	119.06	100	19.5	8.34	4600	130.8	14.96	115.75
	9.54	4920	123.31	100	19.5	9.14	4840	131.6	15.64	122.97
	10.43	5160	130.42	100	19.5	9.94	5040	131.6	15.64	128.42
	11.23	5320	137.08	100	15	10.83	5240	133.1	16.32	134.08
	12.05	5480	139.78	100	15	11.65	5400	133.8	17	138.53
	12.85	5640	145.33	100	14.3	12.45	5560	134.6	17.68	145.33
	13.66	5720	145.81	100	16.5	13.26	5680	134.6	18.02	144.25
	14.56	5840	147.5	100	18	14.16	5800	131.6	17.34	146.03
	15.45	5920	146.31	100	17.3	14.97	5880	130.8	17.68	147.47
	16.38	5960	146.31	100	18.8	15.87	5960	130.8	17.34	148.22
	17.18	6040	145.58	100	21	16.78	6000	127.8	17	146.56
	18.09	6080	149.19	100	18	17.58	6040	127.8	17.34	147.03
	18.99	6160	150.19	100	21	18.57	6120	127.1	17.34	149.19
	19.89	6200	149.67	100	20.3	19.5	6160	127.1	17.34	150.42
	20.7	6280	150.31	100	22.5	20.29	6240	124.8	17	149.67
	21.5	5080	12.78	7.5	6	21.1	5720	10.5	1.36	12.28
	22.3	3880	10.89	6.3	2.3	21.9	4440	12.8	0	12.89
	23.1	2800	8.25	4.7	0.8	22.7	3320	14.3	0	9.17
	23.92	1880	5.31	2.7	3	23.5	2320	15.8	0	7
115 031
	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'031		
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor	Bin. Bits
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME			
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP			
	0.39	2080	47.4	1490	990	0.02	1.991	1	        
	1.21	2240	100.8	1710	1320	0.79	0.984	1	        
	2.11	2520	132.3	1700	1740	1.71	1	1	        
	3.11	2880	130.8	1690	1700	2.62	0.961	0.953	        
	3.91	3160	130.1	1660	1680	3.51	0.945	0.945	        
	4.73	3400	131.6	1620	1660	4.33	0.938	0.945	        
	5.53	3680	129.3	1630	1620	5.13	0.938	0.945	        
	6.44	3960	128.6	1660	1640	5.93	0.938	0.945	        
	7.34	4280	130.8	1650	1630	6.94	0.883	0.899	        
	8.25	4560	131.6	1650	1640	7.85	0.867	0.867	        
	9.16	4840	131.6	1650	1650	8.66	0.86	0.86	        
	9.96	5040	130.1	1660	1630	9.56	0.821	0.836	        
	10.86	5240	133.1	1680	1640	10.46	0.805	0.821	        
	11.66	5400	134.6	1690	1660	11.27	0.782	0.797	        
	12.57	5560	136.8	1680	1650	12.07	0.758	0.782	        
	13.37	5720	134.6	1660	1640	12.97	0.758	0.774	        
	14.3	5840	133.1	1650	1650	13.78	0.75	0.774	        
	15.1	5880	131.6	1630	1620	14.7	0.75	0.766	        
	15.99	5960	130.8	1610	1620	15.59	0.75	0.758	        
	16.81	6000	127.8	1610	1620	16.39	0.75	0.766	        
	17.59	6040	128.6	1610	1610	17.19	0.75	0.766	        
	18.41	5840	10.5	970	1100	18.01	0.992	0.992	        
	19.3	4480	12.8	970	1020	18.82	0.86	0.883	        
	20.22	3120	14.3	970	1010	19.72	1.991	1.047	        
	21.11	2000	15	970	1000	20.71	1.991	1.047
118 and 032
	Group A:	'118				Group B:	'032	
		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost		Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP	%	%
	0.02	2200	24	0	1000	0.38	-0.8	-6.3
	0.78	2200	24	0	990	1.2	-0.8	-6.3
	1.69	2160	24	0	990	2.09	-0.8	-6.3
	2.49	2320	25	95.3	1200	3.01	-0.8	-6.3
	3.41	2600	25	68.6	1760	3.81	-0.8	-6.3
	4.2	2840	24	65.5	1710	4.6	-0.8	-6.3
	5	3160	24	63.5	1680	5.42	-0.8	-6.3
	5.82	3440	25	61.2	1640	6.22	-0.8	-6.3
	6.62	3720	26	60	1630	7.02	-0.8	-6.3
	7.53	4000	27	62.4	1620	7.93	-0.8	-6.3
	8.33	4280	28	63.5	1640	8.73	-0.8	-6.3
	9.15	4520	29	63.9	1640	9.64	-0.8	-6.3
	10.04	4760	30	64.7	1630	10.46	-0.8	-6.3
	10.86	4960	31	65.9	1660	11.36	-0.8	-6.3
	11.85	5160	32	66.7	1630	12.25	-0.8	-6.3
	12.67	5320	33	68.2	1640	13.16	-0.8	-6.3
	13.56	5480	34	70.2	1660	13.98	-0.8	-6.3
	14.38	5560	34	70.6	1670	14.76	-0.8	-6.3
	15.18	5640	36	70.6	1660	15.58	-0.8	-6.3
	16.09	5720	36	70.2	1650	16.59	-0.8	-6.3
	16.99	5800	37	69.8	1650	17.39	-0.8	-6.3
	17.79	5880	37	70.2	1620	18.19	-0.8	-6.3
	18.6	5960	38	69.8	1630	19	-0.8	-6.3
	19.39	6000	39	69.8	1600	19.8	-0.8	-6.3
	20.2	6080	39	70.2	1590	20.62	-0.8	-6.3
	21.11	6160	39	69.8	1620	21.51	-0.8	-6.3
	22.01	5440	38	0	1150	22.41	-0.8	-6.3
	22.81	4240	36	0	1030	23.21	-0.8	-6.3
	23.63	3160	35	0	1010	24.03	-0.8	-6.3
	24.52	2080	34	0	1000	25.02	-0.8	-6.3
	25.43	1240	33	0	980	25.85	-0.8	-6.3
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Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Every seems to be bang on.
quick question, when ever i measure block 031, most ppl logs show lambda factor as the headingand mines show V ? :confused:
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