Water at driver's feet



Clutch, cable and pedal replaced recently on wife's 2000 Ibiza. It hasn't rained for a few weeks since but now it has, there is water on the floor at the driver's feet. :( This has never happened before so I suspect it's related to the clutch work. Could this be due to some sort of clutch cable seal not being located properly and if so, how difficult/expensive would it be to fix? Or something else?

Thanks in advance.



Racing 2020VT
Jun 22, 2004
Not the drivers side but my passenger footwell was full of water, after taking the seat out and door card off it looks like the window seal has been leaking.


Not the drivers side but my passenger footwell was full of water, after taking the seat out and door card off it looks like the window seal has been leaking.

Yes, but in my case, the water is definitely dripping from somewhere under the steering wheel area making it seem t me that the water running down the windscreen is somehow penetrating into the cabin.


May want to go back to whoever fitted it mate and get them to take a look

Absolutely! I just wanted first (to give me a stronger hand so to speak) to gauge, from this forum, whether the fitting of the clutch cable and pedal might have led to this leakage problem. What do people think?


surely there will be a seal missing where cable passes through bulk head? i don't believe in co-incidence.

I expect there is, yes, thanks. I'll be contacting the people who fitted the clutch.


Keep us posted mate when you find the cause

Sure will. I have a choice -

1) go back to the people who replaced the clutch, who are far away and a nuisance to get to - I went to them because they were relatively inexpensive compared to local garages including the Seat main dealer - lesson: cheap is expensive :( Also, I don't trust them any more.

2) Pay nearby Seat main dealer about £50 to do it.

I'm torn between the two options - really.


i had this on my car aswell when i parked on a hill facing upwards
It drips straight down onto the clutch
I think it may be something to do with the plastic where the wipers are attached to??


i had this on my car aswell when i parked on a hill facing upwards
It drips straight down onto the clutch
I think it may be something to do with the plastic where the wipers are attached to??
Could be similar but leak happens whichever direction I'm facing and even on level road. Now booked in for next Wednesday.


Could be similar but leak happens whichever direction I'm facing and even on level road. Now booked in for next Wednesday.

Seat dealer fixed this yesterday. The grommet / seal was missing and the car is now water-tight. Many thanks for your help.


OEM with a 'Twist'
May 5, 2005
Can honestly say before i got to the end of the page, i would have said it would have proberly been a dis-lodged/not fitted gromet. If you had got in the foot well during the day theres a fare chance you would have seen some light coming threw where the gromet was dislodged/missing :)



Can honestly say before i got to the end of the page, i would have said it would have proberly been a dis-lodged/not fitted gromet. If you had got in the foot well during the day theres a fare chance you would have seen some light coming threw where the gromet was dislodged/missing :)


Yes, well, I have strong words for the cowboys who did the work in the first place - I'll not say here who they were as I don't want to be sued for libel (although it's true).
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