Boosting not meeting demand


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Past few days the cars not boosting right! its a seat leon 1.8T sports - P torque remap as well :D
i measured the blocks 115, actual vs requested.

when you put your foot down the car dosnt seem to pull till it hits 3500rpm.

so the actual boost slowy shoots up to the same as requested.

on the boost gauge it shoots up to 1bar boost then stays around 0.7boost.

just replaced the n75 around 3/4 months ago.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Past few days the cars not boosting right! its a seat leon 1.8T sports - P torque remap as well :D
i measured the blocks 115, actual vs requested.

when you put your foot down the car dosnt seem to pull till it hits 3500rpm.

so the actual boost slowy shoots up to the same as requested.

on the boost gauge it shoots up to 1bar boost then stays around 0.7boost.

just replaced the n75 around 3/4 months ago.

Please post the log so we can see.


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Try 1st thing 2morow. abit late.
quick question about the post lambda sensor, does it effect the air/fuel ratio or boosting? as it keeps coming up as internal resistance too high.


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
2nd GEAR

2nd Gear

 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME					TIME	
	0	1840	7.28	5.5	20.3	0.5	0	0	0	0		
	1.01	2080	34.11	100	20.3	1.41	0	3	0	3		
	1.81	2520	50.83	100	15	2.21	0	3	0	3		
	2.61	3160	91.78	100	13.5	3.01	0	3	3	5.3		
	3.41	4120	144.72	100	7.5	3.81	0	5.3	3	5.3		
	4.24	4920	155.78	100	9	4.7	3	5.3	3	5.3		
	5.22	5760	163.44	100	12	5.62	3	7.5	5.3	7.5		
	6.02	6320	163.33	99.6	14.3	6.42	0	0	0	0


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'031				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost		Voltage	Voltage	Bin. Bits	Bin. Bits		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME					TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 V	 V			STAMP	
	0.4	2360	26.3	1000	1010	0	0.68	0.735	        	        		
	1.2	2600	74.4	1660	1050	0.8	0.235	0.645	        	        		
	2.19	3320	139.8	2290	1780	1.71	0.07	0.185	        	        		
	2.99	4280	180.5	2210	2290	2.59	0.82	0.77	        	        		
	3.79	5040	166.2	2120	2050	3.39	0.87	0.77	        	        		
	4.7	5800	148.9	1870	1830	4.21	0.875	0.765	        	        		
	5.5	6320	136.8	1750	1730	5.1	0.89	0.775	        	        		
	6.4	5560	9.8	1000	1200	5.9	0.895	0.765


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'118				Group B:	'032				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost		Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt	 	 		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP	%	%			STAMP	
	0.38	3160	48	100	1650	0	0.8	0.8	        	        		
	1.16	4080	46	98.4	2310	0.78	0.8	0.8	        	        		
	1.96	4920	46	99.2	2070	1.56	0.8	0.8	        	        		
	2.78	5680	48	100	1850	2.38	0.8	0.8	        	        		
	3.58	6280	50	100	1720	3.18	0.8	0.8	        	        		
	4.36	5160	50	0	1150	3.98	0.8	0.8


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
3rd Gear

 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
	0	2120	13.94	9	24	0.37	0	0	0	0		
	0.77	2280	41.11	100	18.8	1.17	0	0.8	0	3		
	1.57	2520	57.28	100	15.8	1.97	0	3	3	2.3		
	2.37	2840	80.47	100	9.8	2.89	0	3	3	2.3		
	3.29	3320	118.11	100	6.8	3.69	0	4.5	3	1.5		
	4.09	3800	140.33	100	6	4.49	3	4.5	6	4.5		
	4.89	4240	144.03	100	4.5	5.29	3	4.5	6	4.5		
	5.69	4640	154.44	100	6	6.09	3	4.5	5.3	3.8		
	6.49	5000	161.31	100	9.8	6.89	3	3.8	5.3	3.8		
	7.29	5320	163.89	100	8.3	7.69	2.3	3.8	6.8	3.8
	8.09	5640	165.72	100	12	8.49	2.3	3	6.8	3
	8.89	5920	166.33	100	13.5	9.29	1.5	3	6	3
	9.69	6200	168.28	100	13.5	10.18	1.5	3	6	3


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'031				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost		Voltage	Voltage	Bin. Bits	Bin. Bits		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 V	 V			STAMP	
	0.38	2200	76.7	1680	1060	0.78	0.09	0.135	        	        		
	1.18	2440	100.8	2170	1390	1.58	0.75	0.72	        	        		
	1.98	2800	128.6	2350	1750	2.38	0.84	0.795	        	        		
	2.78	3240	166.9	2280	2150	3.18	0.86	0.795	        	        		
	3.58	3680	191	2210	2380	3.98	0.865	0.785	        	        		
	4.38	4160	184.2	2180	2330	4.78	0.88	0.79	        	        		
	5.18	4520	176.7	2140	2210	5.58	0.895	0.815	        	        		
	6	4880	169.2	2110	2090	6.38	0.895	0.805	        	        		
	6.8	5200	162.4	2030	1990	7.29	0.89	0.795	        	        		
	7.69	5520	154.9	1910	1910	8.09	0.895	0.795	        	        
	8.49	5800	149.6	1830	1840	8.89	0.895	0.795	        	        
	9.29	6040	143.6	1760	1810	9.69	0.895	0.8


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'118				Group B:	'032				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost		Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt	 	 		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP	%	%			STAMP	
	0.4	2160	55	100	1300	0	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	1.2	2440	55	100	1580	0.8	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	2	2800	54	100	1850	1.6	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	2.8	3200	55	93.3	2190	2.4	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	3.6	3680	56	93.7	2390	3.2	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	4.4	4120	57	91.4	2340	4	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	5.2	4560	58	92.2	2210	4.8	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	6.11	4960	61	93.3	2070	5.71	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	6.91	5320	63	97.6	1980	6.51	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	7.71	5600	66	90.2	1900	7.31	0.6	0.8	        	        
	8.51	5880	67	84.7	1840	8.11	0.6	0.8	        	        
	9.31	6160	69	81.2	1760	8.91	0.6	0.8	        	        
	10.21	6440	71	80.4	1720	9.71	0.6	0.8	        	        
	11.01	6280	68	0	1170	10.61	0.6	0.8	        	        
	11.92	5640	66	0	1070	11.41	0.6	0.8	        	        
	12.8	4880	64	0	1050	12.32	0.6	0.8


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Here goes guys final figured out how to do it.
The car is seat leon 1.8 Sport with P Torque remap.
i was unable to do it on 4th gear as i could not find a private road to do that speed.

so let me know if anything does not look right.



Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
2nd gear runs are a bit pointless, not enough time or load.

 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running
		Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		
	TIME	700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
	0	2120	13.94	9	24	0.37	0	0	0	0		
	0.77	2280	41.11	100	18.8	1.17	0	0.8	0	3		
	1.57	2520	57.28	100	15.8	1.97	0	3	3	2.3		
	2.37	2840	80.47	100	9.8	2.89	0	3	3	2.3		
	3.29	3320	118.11	100	6.8	3.69	0	4.5	3	1.5		
	4.09	3800	140.33	100	6	4.49	3	4.5	6	4.5		
	4.89	4240	144.03	100	4.5	5.29	3	4.5	6	4.5		
	5.69	4640	154.44	100	6	6.09	3	4.5	5.3	3.8		
	6.49	5000	161.31	100	9.8	6.89	3	3.8	5.3	3.8		
	7.29	5320	163.89	100	8.3	7.69	2.3	3.8	6.8	3.8
	8.09	5640	165.72	100	12	8.49	2.3	3	6.8	3
	8.89	5920	166.33	100	13.5	9.29	1.5	3	6	3
	9.69	6200	168.28	100	13.5	10.18	1.5	3	6	3
Correction factors reaching the max desirable there. MAF looks ok

 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'031				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost		Voltage	Voltage	Bin. Bits	Bin. Bits		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 V	 V			STAMP	
	0.38	2200	76.7	1680	1060	0.78	0.09	0.135	        	        		
	1.18	2440	100.8	2170	1390	1.58	0.75	0.72	        	        		
	1.98	2800	128.6	2350	1750	2.38	0.84	0.795	        	        		
	2.78	3240	166.9	2280	2150	3.18	0.86	0.795	        	        		
	3.58	3680	191	2210	2380	3.98	0.865	0.785	        	        		
	4.38	4160	184.2	2180	2330	4.78	0.88	0.79	        	        		
	5.18	4520	176.7	2140	2210	5.58	0.895	0.815	        	        		
	6	4880	169.2	2110	2090	6.38	0.895	0.805	        	        		
	6.8	5200	162.4	2030	1990	7.29	0.89	0.795	        	        		
	7.69	5520	154.9	1910	1910	8.09	0.895	0.795	        	        
	8.49	5800	149.6	1830	1840	8.89	0.895	0.795	        	        
	9.29	6040	143.6	1760	1810	9.69	0.895	0.8

I can't see what you mean about actual not meeting requested. The logs prove otherwise. Boost looks fine. It's running a tad leaner than requested though.

 06A 906 032 T  		1.8L R4/5VT         0003										

	Group A:	'118				Group B:	'032				Group C:	 Not Running
		Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost		Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt	 	 		
	TIME	700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	TIME	-10.1	-10.1	 	 	TIME	
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP	%	%			STAMP	
	0.4	2160	55	100	1300	0	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	1.2	2440	55	100	1580	0.8	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	2	2800	54	100	1850	1.6	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	2.8	3200	55	93.3	2190	2.4	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	3.6	3680	56	93.7	2390	3.2	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	4.4	4120	57	91.4	2340	4	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	5.2	4560	58	92.2	2210	4.8	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	6.11	4960	61	93.3	2070	5.71	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	6.91	5320	63	97.6	1980	6.51	0.6	0.8	        	        		
	7.71	5600	66	90.2	1900	7.31	0.6	0.8	        	        
	8.51	5880	67	84.7	1840	8.11	0.6	0.8	        	        
	9.31	6160	69	81.2	1760	8.91	0.6	0.8	        	        
	10.21	6440	71	80.4	1720	9.71	0.6	0.8	        	        
	11.01	6280	68	0	1170	10.61	0.6	0.8	        	        
	11.92	5640	66	0	1070	11.41	0.6	0.8	        	        
	12.8	4880	64	0	1050	12.32	0.6	0.8

Things getting a bit warm by this stage!


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Just that the car feel slugish at some times, asume it not boosting right due to other factors.,

what colum shows if its running rich? is the V colum?

Well what kind of temperature would be reasonable?

Cheers DPJ for all your help!
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I appreciate you've got more pressing issues at the moment (clutch pedal)

No, the car looks to be boosting fine from the logs. The heat issue is because you 've just got a SMIC and the car is getting heat soaked after a few power runs. The first of the Lambda columns is actual fueling, the second requested. I'd have a word with P torque about it, perhaps.
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