Palm Treo 650 (Palm O/S) - it's "sort of compatible"!
We were using Good Link software to allow Exchange synchronisation which takes over some of the default apps on the Treo (like contacts) so without this it may be easier. However, the below method will likely work irrespective of what software is used on the Treo.
There's an option on the menu "THB Kit" which has a setting for "Auto Wireless Mode" - enable this. With this disabled the Treo seems to turn off Bluetooth until there's a call being made.
To allow numbers to be transferred from the phonebook, need to setup entries as Speed Dial favourites (without needing to assign a speed dial number to the entry). User manual will explain
how to setup favourites and then transfer the details from your contacts and edit if necessary. Downside to this is that if the contact details change, the speed dial/favourite will also need to be changed.
Once the speed dials/favourites are setup, connect the phone to the Bluetooth and details should be uploaded from the speed dials/favourites.