so if you ordered a winter pack with standard lights would you get headlight washer jets. The options section states heated headlamp washers, my point is if you have standard lights you are paying for something you will not get and if you have xenons you are paying for something you already have. I hope you understand that???
****** EDITED from original post i made here (need sleep!) ********
If you order a normal Leon or FR with normal headlights you get no headlamp washers at all.
If you order a normal Leon or FR with xenons headlights you get cold headlamp washer jets.
If you order a normal Leon or FR with a winter pack you get heated headlamp washer jets on the normal lights
If you order a normal Leon or FR with a winter pack & xenons you get heated headlamp washer jets.
i assume what you mean (which i think i have just figured out!) is that you pay for a winter pack no xenons - you get heated washer jets installed where as before you get nothing.
if you pay for xenons the jets are already there , so all you get is the heated bit on top if you go for the winter pack too....