stretch79 here is some tips i made note of in a thread i posted here a few month back, these may
help. (remeber i have a golf with 02j gearbox.
Remove the standard turbo and lines then rest the standard turbo on the axel at the bottom, remove the 13 12mm nuts from the mani then remove the standard mani, then remove the turbo which is resting on the axel! This will save allot of hassle trying to squeeze it out!!
Attach the coolant return banjo and line to the eliminator turbo then throw the turbo round the back and rest it on the axel, bolt the mani on (remember to put the mani to turbo bolt closest to the engine in first!!!) so basically never try to remove or insert a turbo with a mani attached (I made this mistake once lol).
You need to grind down the bottom left corner of the mani and also grind down about 3mm of the thickness so the allen bolt screws closer in to avoid hitting the compressor.
Reuse the standard 12mm mani to head bolts for the 4 bottom ones and the 2 outer top ones. use the washers that came from the old mani with these 6 nuts, use the 6 copper nuts that came with the kit for the 6 top inner (DONT USE WASHERS WITH THESE 6) and use the allen head bolt (dont use a washer).
Use a 12mm offset ring spanner and a bent 12mm wrench to torque the top 6 inner mani to head bolts that ATP provide! Take your time and make sure you torque them in good!
Put the closest mani to turbo stud in first before bolting it to the head.
Bolt up all 6 middle top nuts to the maniifold before you even think about bolting any of the others on, it needs to be tilted so 3 of the bolts will screw on the threads, due to the ATP manifold branches being so thick.
When you put the manifold to the turbo bolt it through that bolt which is there until it has around 3mm thread left and then swing it round then bolt the other 2 in, here you may find they wont line up by around 1mm, I had to remove a metal bracket on the block that the compressor was hitting in to, also if you can try to bend the gasket between the engine and the tranny as this also gets in the way.. Every mm helps here!
Remember to bolt the coolant return banjo and line to the turbo before dropping it in, as it is hard to get to this with it mounted!
Before bolting the turbo to the mani remove the shifter cable brackets! and remove the shifter cables and put them aside (so they wont get in the way of the compressor).
When swinging the compressor around on the pivot of the first stud you may need to bend the coolant hard pipe up!! out of the way so it don’t foul.
When you come to install the 3 inch big bore you will see a unused eye that don’t let the casting sit flush, get an angle grinder in there and grind it down.
To make life ALLOT easier use a 10mm spline bit to remove the 6 spline bolts holding the axel to the tranny, this will give allot of play on it and make this whole install easier! Also it will make bolting up the oil return allot easier! It will relieve allot of stress so please do it!
The shifter bracket that sits on top of the casting in my case fouled the coolant hard line, I grinded as much as I could off the bracket and lifted the pipe up as hard as I could as I mounted it, the coolant pipe sits on top of it now.
To make life ALLOT easier remove your DP, or remove the midsection and let the dp sit back this will make life allot easier!
Make sure you use PTFE liquid on all line threads apart from banjo bolts! This is preferred over PTFE tape!
ill get some pics of any useful nature later