Yesterday after having a bit of a cleaning session with FlashBSD ((AKA Banned) Pics To Follow)... I decided to tackle the N249 bypass....well.. when I say tackle I mean, allow Flash to complete the procedure on my car

Have to say, DV response is much better, and car feels better, could justy be my imagination on that tho, but for definate the DV sounds the nuts and is a much crisper noise and response....
Well worth doing if you no longer have the std BOSCH...
I have wondered abotu it for ages but finally did it yesterday, wish I had done it a while ago tbh!

Have to say, DV response is much better, and car feels better, could justy be my imagination on that tho, but for definate the DV sounds the nuts and is a much crisper noise and response....
Well worth doing if you no longer have the std BOSCH...
I have wondered abotu it for ages but finally did it yesterday, wish I had done it a while ago tbh!