What are your mass flow readings from VAG COM???


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
mine is apparantly to low at 197.5

I was told i should be looking at around 205 -210 today

197.5 is pretty healthy I think - that's what mine is flowing at the minute.

I have seen 205-210, but that was around January/February time when the air is cooler, so I hope it's that and that I don't have a problem.

Mine did okay at Awesome in September, but fly power figures from there are low compared to other RR figures. Mine did around 245 at the fly, comparable to other Stage 1 cars.

Revo Kev

Feb 24, 2003
From my conversation with BBT yesterday I was told your peak MAF value was 190g/s. Looking at the logs of 114 and 020 it seems that the timing correctional factors are a little high... as such it was suggested to them that either a. the timing is too high and the load levels are being pulled back, thus the low MAF value. Or b. the MAF is slighty out thus the high CFs. If the peak is more like 197g/s then I doubt there is an issue with the MAF.


Ok so how and why should I check my MAF!? In fact in the first place what is it???

As you can tell I am new to all this!

I have a Curpa 05 plate which is 180hp. Looking at getting it remapped but worried about affecting the warranty. Also want a green panel air filter - does this make alot of difference? Whats the difference between a stage 1 and stage 2 remap? And do you need to run on the advanced unleaded fuel?


comes and goes
Sep 22, 2004
East Midlands Drives: Scirocco GT
176g/s is low mate! You MAF is on its way out or there is a leak post MAF! Check the connections on and around your turbo inlet pipe!

As for MAF readings when I was just stage 2 APR i was only getting around 190 and I got 265 @ Marlin last ime! So 197 seems healthy enough!


Oct 12, 2004
Why would a leak after the MAF contribute to a low reading? Surely a leak before the MAF?

Ben has your IC been tested for pressure loss! Jabba told me to stay clear of twin/dual core systems due to pressure loss problems.


Revo'd LCR
Oct 1, 2004
yeah its been tested and is fine the thing is it has the same surface area as the forge one due to it only being half the height so i cant see how you will get more pressure loss i have tried it with 2 MAFs and still get the same reading i will have a good look for a boost leak once the weather improves. I have just brought some gauges so once they are connected should be able to see more


Revo'd LCR
Oct 1, 2004
oh my bad there is a split in my TIP but its only the silicon which is split the gauze underneath is still intact


Revo'd LCR
Oct 1, 2004
it is the thickest pipe that goes to the tip if i remeber correctly someone told me its a breather pipe i think


Leon Cupra 300R
Jun 3, 2004
Cf's of 3 (or was that 6?) and under i was told were ok? 0 is the ideal but we cant have everything?

(p.s. not being snotty just manking sure i get everything as spot on as possible for the logging so we can sort this one way or the other. I want to eliminate the "Yeah but if...s". Plus you never know i may learn somthing! Plus if the the stated values of 200-210g/s are correct then there must be something wrong with my car as im only getting 212 with stg 2 and i will need to find my faults!)


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
Blimey, this turned into a bit of a free for all! Ice Maiden - are you happy with Mine/Kev's answer?

Bentaw - split doesn't sound good, are you sure it isn't split the other side? Also, don't you have some kind of special code from Revo because of your FMIC? People have suggested it might be down to your FMIC before but you seem to just ignore them - because "Pace say it's fine". Not trying to be harsh, but it has to be said.

Scotty - your logs don't show 212 g/sec (or have I got the wrong end of the stick?) Apparently the K04-23 will flow a maximum of 210g/sec so 212 looks doubtful, even spurious (are you sure it was just a spike?). I can see a max of 195.58 on the 1st log. Compares with other cars.

On timing correction/logging - read the Revo SPS guide (Kev'll not like you if you keep asking questions without reading it first, he spent a lot of time on it :D ) and do some searching.

At any one time, there should be a difference between a stage 1 car and a stage 2, but as you're only comparing max figures , I doubt the difference will be that great.