VAG-COM Cable - Ebay Special...


Want more power!!
Feb 12, 2004
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After doing a bit of research on here and with the amount of issues ive been having with my car i decided to "splash out" on a cheap eBay VAG-COM cable, it came with the drivers needed and VAG-COM 409.1.

Now the cable and software works fine when the ignition is either OFF or at one turn, but as soon as the ignition is on (lights on dash) or the engine is on it just dies, i get the "No response from controller error"

If i run the OBD-II compatibility check without the ignition on or at one turn my car is compatible, try the same test with ignition fully on or engine on.. magically i dont have a compatible car..

If i go into the engine control module with the engine on or iginition on it wont find anything and throws up the no response error, if i turn it off all the information loads and it all works fine, as soon as i put the ignition back on the software freezers for a second or two and then throws up the error.

Any ideas guys? Ive tried reinstalling the drivers, changing usb port, changing com port and also start baud rate and nothing seems to get it working.. any help appreciated, really wanted to get some logging done.


Want more power!!
Feb 12, 2004
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Cheers mate, really want to get this sorted so I can do some logging, lots of people on here have got this cable working so dont know whats wrong, everything works absolutely fine when ignition/engine isnt on. As soon as it is it freezes and disconnects


Crazy Fool!
Apr 30, 2005
At home
Cheap ebay cable, no guarantees at all that it will work as it should which is probably why you are seeing problems.


Want more power!!
Feb 12, 2004
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I understand its a risk on whether it will work 100%. Just a bit miffed as quite a few people on here have got this cable working on their cars


Crazy Fool!
Apr 30, 2005
At home
Only way to be 100% and be able to get support when it goes wrong is buy the official Rosstech jobbie, expensive but at least you know it will work, and if for some reason you run in to trouble you can get in touch with them for support.
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