Review in the daily star "Not Good"

Aug 20, 2005
Todays daily star
I DO wish that car companies would stop giving jobs to work experience kids.
You just know that you’re going to end up with some kind of overblown, undrive-able mess of a motor that wouldn’t impress anyone other than another teenager.
That’s why they drive around with their foglights on and 1000-watt stereos pumping out rap with a silent c. They think they’re cool when in reality they’re just a bloody annoyance.
Some idiot at Seat clearly put the schoolboy department in charge of their latest project, the absurd Seat Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra.
Blimey, even its name should give you a clue. Too many excited youngsters came up with too many names, so they just settled for the lot.
That’s why it’s such a mouthful just to say what it’s actually called.
They also chose too many gadgets, gizmos and go-faster gimmicks for the real thing. So guess what they did with that lot too? That’s right, they picked them all.
Where do you start with a car that is so awful that you find it extremely hard to believe it’s come from the same firm that gave us the blindingly brilliant Leon Cupra? Or how about the sublime and delicious Seat Exeo? Not a poor man’s Audi A4 but a better A4 that Audi should have made themselves before Seat showed them how to do it.
No, the Seat Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra came straight out of a classroom of kids who obviously let their young minds run riot.
“We’ll make it a turbo!” Yeah. “And we’ll supercharge it, too!” Yeah.
“We’ll have massive alloys!” Yeah. “And ultra low profile tyres!” Yeah.
“We’ll get those smoked lights like they sell in Halfords!” Yeah.
“And we’ll give it a massive exhaust!” Yeah.
“And a spoiler kit and a diffuser and sports suspension and racing seats and a racing style paddle shift gearbox!” Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, no, no.
Well it’s too late. The Seat Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra, as you’ve probably guessed by now, has got all these things, and a lot more too. The result is one big horrible mess.
Blimey, even when it landed on the More Sumptuous Than Ever Drive That Leads to New Fowler Towers, Mrs Motormouth took an instant dislike to the poor, overblown, thing.
She thought the local kids had parked one of their tarted-up old wrecks outside the house.
Driving it, though, was actually even worse than it looked. Its little 1.4-litre VW engine – complete with turbo and supercharger – just isn’t up to the job. It sounds in agony whenever pushed hard and even though it wails up to 7,000rpm it actually hits peak power at 6,200.
The rest takes so long to get there and makes such a racket it’s just not worth the effort.
And that’s just the noise coming from the front. It’s even worse at the back where closer examination of its Porsche Boxster style “wide mouth” exhaust reveals two pipes from a Ford Anglia hidden inside.
The Seat Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra’s stiffer sports suspension is an absolute disaster.
It may be fine on a racing track but in the real world it threatens to break your back if you so much as drive over a dead hedgehog (that’s before or after you’ve hit it).
Its low profile tyres and oversized alloys just add to the overall unpleasantness. The shudders and bangs resulting from anything but a perfect surface are terrifying. It makes you wonder how long the whole thing’s going to hold together.
Credit where it’s due, though, once you get it going, and given a good road, the seven-speed DSG paddle-change gearbox is so fast and such a delight it makes the car a lot more bearable.
For the money, it’s got an enormous amount of kit as standard, it’s econom*ical and it’s practical, too, with a decent boot that turns into large with the back seats folded down.
To be honest, I probably would have liked the Seat Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra if I was 17 years old. But I’m not.
In fact, I probably drove something just like it when I was 17.
In those days, I thought I was the coolest person on the planet.


Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
This reporter must be some idiot they pulled off the street in a desperate attemp to get a quick review in so as to fill up the paper. How come this is the first negative report on the bocanegra. I have test driven one and have mine on order. I would like to pour a jar of fire ants down this idiots trousers to see if that evokes a more positive response out of him. He has actually ruined my evening the idiot but I will rise above his low standards and ignore his pityfull attemp at attention. I believe those of us who have one already and are waiting for ours seriously disagree with this idiot. Can a get a hell yeah???!!!!!!


Active Member
Dec 11, 2009
Yeah sound like some small time journalist trying to become infamous with car enthusiasts...


Active Member
Dec 11, 2009
Thinking about it... ive showed so many people the car im getting because if you say Seat Ibiza bocanegra they're like a WHAT!? So i show them and everyones like wowww thats sexy, even girls that don't know anything about cars. Let alone girls that are into their cars!


Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
Yeah, "motormouth" is so the wrong word for him. Someone offer him a piece of toilet paper so he can wipe his mouth with all that crap his talking. I can't believe he has got me so furious!!!


Active Member
Dec 26, 2009
Hi Mk2 Cupra, Don,t go into a low way with that crummy report,I got my Boca three weeks ago and although I,m still"running it in " I am more than pleased with everything about it. I would love to know what he normally drives around in, to make such remarks as in the report beggars belief !!! and what does his wife know about cars!!!.
Long Live The Boca. I say.


Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
I second that. He probably drives a little AVEO!!!!! hahahahahahahaha. I agree too, every single person that I have shown pictures of this car to have been amazed at how sexy it looks and trust me they were mostly over the age of 30! I would like to see him walk up to the designer and tell him he did a crap job. It would be the same as selling the lambo is hideos, considering it is the same designer. Mr Donkerwolk would have a hernia I reckon.


Loves his Boc.
Oct 12, 2008
I volunteer to take this motormouth for a bomb round north Wales, he'll soon change his mind and cry. When the first reviews came out everyone was on about it not being as good as a Frog 200 Cup, well since the car proved it had the legs on it in the AutoExpress review, people have changed there mind.



Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
I think we should try and make contact with this "motormouth" idiot or should we put together a reply to his article? hehehehehehe


Active Member
Dec 11, 2009
Yeah im with you on that one ED. I get autoexpress magazine everyweek. And when i saw the issue with the Boca vs cooper s vs cup 200 i said to my dad and brother, "IM READING THIS FIRST!"

I was smiling the whole way through, i didn't even care because like someone pointed out... it had the most points overall.
I love this car and i havn't even got it yet!


Active Member
Dec 11, 2009
Also i was in the Seat dealer today talking to one of the managers there about my Boc on order. and we were talking about the subject "is the boca worth the extra £700 over the normal cupra?"
The answer is simply... yes!
Not because of its styling... Of course that wouldnt equate to £700.
its the name... the "only 1000 per year" that make it special and the extra money.
At the end of the day whenever we sell our cars a year, 3, 5 or possibly even more.
Because its a bocanegra not a cupra the resale value will be more, and more than likely more than 700quids worth more than the cupra.


Loves his Boc.
Oct 12, 2008
I've been angered now. Why u ask? well I love this car, my Best mate loves this car, going out with a bird tomorrow cos of the car (the funny t-shirt I was wearing and the jokes I was telling helped), people at work beg to drive my car, the local boy racers don't hang out on the car park next to my house cos of my car (slaughtered their rides one nite). This blokes article has proved he is a clown cos he has said that it has everything, does the engine struggle. NO. Could the suspension be softer, grow up it's a Hot Hatch. Is it ugly, No way, from concept to road car a rarety. The exhaust, yes it's 2 pipes with chrome trim, but mine has gone black, looks like a big hole not 2 pipes.


Proof that this guy isn't worth the page he filled. Clown of the day. Right I'm off out for a drive in my perfect car.



Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
Should be during March sometime M12ETM. Oh perfect the new cupra is just showing hahahahahahahahaaha!!! I LOVE IT! Auto Emocion fellas!! That's what it's all about and motormouth idiot has none!!!!


Feel the DIFFerence
Sep 22, 2008
A bean bag
I actually think I know this guy. It was the 60 year old rover driver I over took today on the lanes. He looked a nice bloke with his tweed jacket and leather driving gloves. :)

If the car is so unattractive why is it i've had it a day and been stopped 4 times by randoms (of varying ages) asking me questions and loving the car? Oh and why is it that this so called poor engine got engine of the year last year? Strange..
Last edited:


Loves his Boc.
Oct 12, 2008
Correct Mardon. Sounds like you're enjoying yours. Hehe. Everything he has mentioned that he hates he is wrong about. I think that he can't bare to face the truth, Seat have done it again.



Missing the CUPRA R!
Jul 18, 2008
Well put Mardon. I guess we can all safely say that this geyser and his article that can filed in "file 13" and forgotten about. I do't see his rediculous review having any impact whatsoever on general perceptions of this truly amazing and beautifull machine that we have all come to love.
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