How long does Seat take to build a Cupra


Active Member
Jan 29, 2007
Hi Guys

Does anyone know the factory build time of the Cupra..Our is build week 13 which was last week we think..

Dealer reckons it gets built as a standard then goes round the corner to the Seat race factory(or something like that) and then get spec'd up but how long does all that take cant see us getting the car early May wat with shipping over etc on top


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Nope Cupra's are designed, built and prepared in the Martorell factory, SEAT Sport have nothing to do with the preparation at all. SEAT Sport only prepared the R cars, and then it was just bolting on bits and bobs.

SEAT Sport are now too busy with the touring cars to be involved in any process of the consumer builds. The dealer is simply assuming they do the same as they did with the R's which they no longer do.

A car will be built in a day in the factory, probably even less than a day, but they have build allocations so they tend to build a load of Cupra's all together in the same week. Then next week they'll be building FR's for example. They tend to batch them.

Mine was built last week, and i know many Cupra's were set for this week, including your own obviously. Now there will be around a 4-5 week wait depending on the shipping schedule before the dealer gets it. Maybe sooner if everything goes well. :)


Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
A bloody long time !!!!!!!!

was only 8 weeks for factory order C4
was only 6 weeks for factory order astra

I'm on week 7 already with this one, and its another 4 weeks away from what i'm being told [:@]


status subject to change
its all comes down to manufactruing campains and quantities.

like Zboyd says they will tend to run types and colours in batches or campains.
so rather than making all different types each day they will make one particular type until they have made the required qty then change.

the change time will probably require changes to tooling, presses, robot programmes, stocks, painting etc. and the efficiency of a plant, especially in the car market is dependant on the speed and number of times a change around is required; - as effectively, the factory is not producing and not making money.

The cupra, being on of the lower quantity models, (ie there may be 1 cupra for every other 25 leons made) means that the length of time between runs will be among the longest.
and also why the most expensive but exclusive models seem to suffer from less choices in colours. its all about numbers / time taken to produce including set up of equipment against £s. the more colour options the more changes required and more time used to manufacture them.

sooo.... strange but true, if theres a long wait it may mean they are more exclusive, which is a good thing right?
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*ricardo mayorga*
Sep 11, 2005
mine was ordered 3 weeks ago an will be built in week 15 and delivered in week 19..........


Full Member
Jul 7, 2006
In my LeonFR 2.0 TDI
i'd say its an openended question, ive had my car since launchday, and nrlly 7 months on i'd still like them to finish building the ruddy thing,

window seals, dash rattle, jackpoint rattle, non locking doors, the list goes on, still, i've fixed 2 of them now, had to wait 5 weeks without a car for the locking, and now hopefully only the window seals remain outstanding
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