Worrying Whirring Noise!

El Ponko

Hi, I recently bought a 98 1600 SXE petrol estate which I love, however it has a really annoying whirring noise coming from the drivers side in the engine bay. The noise rises with revs and at tickover drops when the power steering used, dropping in pitch along with the engine revs (slightly). It actually sounds louder inside the car than out. The cambelt is fairly new - I can't tell if it's a belt or bearing noise. Has anyone else suffered from this or is it just a normal SEAT noise?
It doesn't sound terminal...yet. Car has covered a real 60K miles with regular service history from a SEAT dealership.
Any suggestions gratefully recieved.

El Ponko

Thanks, it does seem to be coming from the cambelt region... I'm not too sure if it's getting louder, I would have thought as the cambellt wore in it would loosen and get quiter? Do the covers pop off easilly on these models - all I can see is a few clips to hold it on. I presume the tension check is a garage job.
Also, where is the water pump? I'll see if I can get an ear onto it without burning myself...


Oct 15, 2006
my water pump went on my cupra a few months ago and they should change the water pump anyway as its an exstreamly weak plastic 1 that is put in as standard i had

water pump and pulley

all replaced and the squeeking whirl noise went :)

the cover unclips there is two visible clips then there is 1 at the bottom too then to check the correct tension you should be able to twist the cambelt 90' anymore or less and its wrong :)
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