wiring in fm transmitter


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
right, im thinking of getting one of those fm transmitters for my mp3 player, something along these lines: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/200-Channel-L...8QQihZ018QQcategoryZ48680QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
and i was wondering if it would be possible to wire it in so that it will sit in the tray under the head unit next to the ash tray?? it comes with a fag lighter socket to power it, but i think that looks cheap and cheesy, so does anyone know if it can be powered from the HU power supply and supply instructions on how to do it if possible?

just so you can picture it better, i want this transmitter thing to come from the rear of this storage compartment to plug into my mp3 and transmit through a radio frequency...

any help or suggestions at all will be appreciated



Steve GTI

Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
It can be wired into the cig lighter, so you don't plug it in but it still powers from that. Take it to an ICE shop and they will solder a few wires onto the end of the plug and connect the wires behind so you can't see it.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
doh! i never even thought of going to my local ice shop... ive been a student tooooo long... cheers mate, i hope it wont be too expensive.

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
do it yourself, its very very easy. i did it myself when i was wiring in my road angel.

1) pull up cover over gear stick
2) where the gear stick cover fits(around the rim), put your fingers just inside the top bit of plastc and give a quick pull upwards. this should remove the top cover.
3) get the gear stick cover through the hole (to remove the top cover)
4) this should give you access to the cig lighter, basically pull the unit up and out.
(if this does not happen then remove the two plastic nuts from ehind the gear stick with a 10mm socket, and remover the 2 metal screws at the back of the hand break housing, and pull the hand break housing off)

(at this point do what ou want to connect the wires, i will list what i did and i accept no resposability for any fires due to this methos as i am qualified to deal with electrics and know what i am doing.)
5) i stripped off some of the cables sheath(with fuse removed from under the dash so now shorting could occure)
6) my new cable i stipped back and tinned with a soldering iron.
7) carefully soldered the connection together making sure that the flow of solder was even and penetrative.
8) fully insulate with some silicon seal and tape.
9) repeat with other cable
10) re assemble

job done :)
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