i've just bought some Vibe KE-60 speakers which come with tweeters and cross-overs, my
problem is that on the cross-overs there are connections marked TW- -3db 0db WF- WF+ IN- IN+ as i'm a bit stupid does anybody know which wires go where please
In+ is the terminal to wire the positive side of the speaker wire coming from your amp or head unit
In- is the terminal to wire the negative side of the same speaker wire.
WF+ is the terminal that you connect to the positive side of the woofer (big speaker)
WF- is the negative terminal that matches this.
TW- is the terminal that you connect to the tweeters negative connection
TW0dB is the terminal you connect to the tweeters positive connection, OR,
TW-3dB connects to the same place IF you want to attenuate (lower the volume of) the tweeter.
So basically...
IN+ and IN- take the feed from your stereo/amp
WF+ and WF- are the feeds from the crossover to the woofer speaker
TW-, TW0dB and TW-3dB are the feeds from the crossover to the tweeter