which H.I.Ds to get


Active Member
Dec 9, 2007
on ebay there have slim ballasts ones are there any good or should i get the normal size onesto be on the safe side. For a seat leon cupra on 51 reg and can any one recomende some good but not cheap ones to get as i have seen loads of cheap ones from china but if one goes it a chew on getting a replacement any help welcome plzs


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
they are pretty much all the same; there are people using both slim and normal ballasts with no problems. I've had a set in my dipped and main beam since April with only one bulb blow :) If you get some from the UK at least you can send them back. I paid £50 delivered for my sets, can't remember which seller though.


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
and colour rating i'd advise 4300k or 6000k. I changed to 4300k after finding the 6000k a little bit ott on the blue front; many will disagree with that comment though :)
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