wheel offset

stan boyd

[does any1 know if an offset of et35-45 is ok for 18" alloy on 1.9 tdi ref, all shops have said ok used 225/40/18 tyre but website says et54 what will the difference be:confused:


Uber pimp meister
Aug 1, 2001
et35-45 will stick out too much. ET48 is about the minimum you can get away with. Factory wheels are et54 or 55.


Hi Stan,

I was told any wheel with a offset between 30-45. I'm just in the process of looking around for some 18's for my 1.9Tdi Stylance but getting very confused!

I gave Rochford tyres a call as their list of cars did not have the Mk2 leon on the webiste and they added it for me, they said 30-45ET and '5x112' - something to do with the stud alignment / spacing.

I'll try speaking to a few more people, but will most probably just end up confusing myself even more :doh:

stan boyd

dont get why all dealers say rs4 replicas ok with et 40-45 havent seen any aftersales alloy with 54 offset
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