V5 Drive belt service interval


F1 Smart?
Jan 14, 2006
Hello All,

I am hoping someone can help me!!!

My V5 has developed what can only be described as a screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!! (which gets worse with engine revs) :cry:

After reading some other threads it sounds like it is either the water pump or the Belt tensioner and I was just wondering if anyone knew at what mileage the drive belt was replaced? (I am coming up to my 60K service)


Full Member
Nov 8, 2003
Dubai UAE
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My car is at 91k, i bought it at 67K and there is no indication that it has been changed.
We have enquired and was told that it was good for 120K...MMmmmm but after speaking to someone at a dealer, i was told best to get it done around 90K (cant be sure but he may have been touting for business!)
mine is a 1.820v.


I'm at 67k (V5) and my dealer still doesn't think it should be changed; I worry too...


Cheers for the clarification - I thought it was a chain, but there's always a nagging doubt after all the hassle I've had with my tolly...


Swine Bird !
Aug 13, 2002
The New Forest
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I think the OP is refering to the rubber belt which drives the water pump, air con etc.

I would be very concerned at a screetching noise from the cam drive chain !!

If it is the ancillery drive belt being refered to, as far as I am aware there is no specific service interval on it. By that I mean - if it screetches, it's slipping, so either the belt or the tensioner needs replacing or indeed just adjusting.

Mileage for changing the cam drive chain is often subjective, my best advise is to have it inspected for wear at service intervals from 60K on. No point in changing it for the sake of it, but whilst much more robust than a cam-belt they can still fail, and trust me a failed cam drive chain on a V5 is going to be a very, very expensive repair !



F1 Smart?
Jan 14, 2006
Cheers for the replys everyone.

Stu - Your right I was refering to the rubber belt that drives the water pump/aircon/pas. I seems to be a case of replacing it as and when necessary.

I have had my problem diagnosed as a broken water pump, so I shall change the belt when I have that fixed. Sorted!
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