

Active Member
Jul 23, 2007
hello all,

was thining about sendin my car away for a new install, but i thought i want to do it myself, i have done my own amps and things before, there is only one new thing for me, i would like to mount 2 tvs on the parcel shelf and 1 in the front, and maybe a ps2, is this a hard job to do or not?


On this one it aint hard it is just a case of hiding the wiring because you have to run all the cables through the car as with any custom speakers. The only problem is nickability you would need to have to cover them when you are not using them.

As the PS2 goes you could prob fit one of the slimlines in the breeza glove box. Just remember that with all that kit there is a terrible drain on the battery. Always have the engine running!


To be honest I doubt the parcel shelf would take the weight of 2 TV's !?

Also, wouldn't it mean they are facing the wrong direction/lying horizontally?
Even if they folded up, it would be a bit tricky for passengers in the rear to sit BACKWARDS to see them anyway, as the screens would be behind them?

...perhaps you'd be better off fitting 2 onto the rear of the front seat headrests - or even into the driver/passenger sun visors (just a thought). Would be custom visors obviously.]

Hiding the cabling would be much the same as fitting speakers/amps/subs etc, under fascias/trim.

And agree with FR-Jack above, alot of drain on the car battery!
Few things to think about there ;)
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