Tom Tom Go 700 - Your feedback is???


Back from the dead
Was about to go out and buy one of these babies this morning.


While the prices were on the down thought it may not be a bad move.

However just come across this website and the customer reviews are pretty dire:

Tom tom go reviews

Other one I was considering was the Navman 550/635.



Need it to be pocket portable and able to withstand some of the abuse of general usage. When its being taken in and out of windows ever 10 mins I'm not sure from the reviews that its up to it. I wouldn't mind but they are so expensive considering how they are built. Typical case of too much money on technology and cut corners everywhere else.

I can't abide companies that fail to address customers / have no customer contact route. Its the biggest admission of having a substandard / unready for market product.

I dont consider these reviews to be 'isoated' as the faults are too common. The mags rave about them so whats the crack???

Any tips or advice folks?!?
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sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
I found the base spec TomTom good to use - almost intuitive.

However, I think that the general plan is to buy the base model, then 'obtain' the rest of the Europe maps - normally for less money than the difference between the models


Badge snob
Picked up one of these for my father this Christmas.
I was going to go the route that mork suggested, but he wanted the built in hands free for his phone, so it had to be a 500 or 700. The difference in price between these is about the same as a big memory card.
If you don't need the handsfree, go for the 1, and obtain the European maps if you find you need them.
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