Timing belt question

red line fun

Full Member
May 24, 2004
Hi All

I have a 2008 FR TDi, approx. 90k on the clock. At present (and not likely to dramatically change any time soon) I do hardly any miles. Working from home and a bit of a hermit, so the car is used maybe twice weekly, local low mile trips. Because I hardly do any miles, I intend to keep the car on the road as long as possible rather than fork out for a new(er) one. My rationale is even if I need to spend a good few hundred each year to keep it going, it's still relatively cheap motoring for me.

Looking back at the service history, I've had the timing belt changed thus:

2012 (31k miles) tbh not quite sure why the belt was done then? Unless I'm missing it, I can't see this as a scheduled replacement point?
2018 (77k miles) water pump and aux belt also done.

If I'm reading the service booklet correctly, the TDi timing belt needs done every 80k miles, so based on mileage the current belt is good for another 70k miles assuming normal wear. However, if doing lower miles, does a replacement schedule based on years come into effect e.g. replace every 5 years?

Tbh I'd rather not replace it again given the age/value of the car and expense of the job. Part of me thinks do I just leave it and if it goes it goes. For info, I'm not car proud. I keep the thing serviced, mot'd and check levels/pressures every couple of weeks.

Thoughts from other Mk2 owners?


Active Member
Oct 30, 2014
Timing belt replacement is a standard service job. You're not really 'keeping things serviced' if you're refusing to do a standard job.
With your low use you replace the cambelt on time not on miles, so 4 years after it was last done. It's not gunna explode at exactly 4 years tho, you could push your luck for abit.

As a guide the cost of a Cam Belt replacement at Darkside is about £400, you should have the aux belt done as well but no need to do the waterpump if it was done at 77k.
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red line fun

Full Member
May 24, 2004
Timing belt replacement is a standard service job. You're not really 'keeping things serviced' if you're refusing to do a standard job.
With your low use you replace the cambelt on time not on miles, so 4 years after it was last done. It's not gunna explode at exactly 4 years tho, you could push your luck for abit.

As a guide the cost of a Cam Belt replacement at Darkside is about £400, you should have the aux belt done as well but no need to do the waterpump if it was done at 77k.
Yeah it's a valid point, cheers for applying some logic :)
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