Okley Dokely us staffs lot were having a cracking weekend at Donnington , we had fought against gale force winds to put our tents up or as Empi liked to say ERECTED , we got the beers flowing and to give us a reason to get blotted it was Mr Cuprasmiths 30th birthday I think or it might of been 29 , but anyway we'd had a good night arsin about havin fun ,playing empi's drinkin games , and we were chillin , chattin when from over the other side of the camp a little domestic was takin place , so we all had apeek and thought nothin of it , then we heard a engine start , takin into consideration it was past midnight , pitch black and spittin rain , we thought thats odd , then from inside the gazeebo , we saw head lights flying about and the car was screeming its nuts off , and this responsible person was donutting on the grass in front of our cars showin off he did 1 and went again to do another and his front wheels got caught into a rut in the grass and it tramlined his car straight into mine , we saw it happening and I could'nt do it cus I just froze anyway there was an almighty bang and he richoted off my car and drove away , that was it my beer went in the air and chased after him , Hairy went the other side we got to the car and Hairy got his keys out of the ignition and I screemed alot of prefranititys at him , he got out of the car and began to apologise , askin me to beat the sh*** out of him and he wouldnt press charges , Police were called breath test well over, took him away and today (sun 30) I was informed that he didnt have insurance to drive that vehicle , it wasn't his car it was his mates who had willingly given him his keys to apparently drive to his tent which was approx 100 yds away so yeah we believe that ,
I will keep postin as it materialises , court case friday , here are the piccys of my big red lady slightly bruised but still kept her pride .
And here is the offending vehicle ,mine came off better but its the principle , Dont get in ur car if u have had a skinfull , its not clever its dangerous
I will keep postin as it materialises , court case friday , here are the piccys of my big red lady slightly bruised but still kept her pride .
And here is the offending vehicle ,mine came off better but its the principle , Dont get in ur car if u have had a skinfull , its not clever its dangerous
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