right been reading up about the maf sensor so decide to give it a run with it unplugged! ran it down the dual carriage way with it plugged in until it jumped back which it did several times so i pulled up unplugged it esp light came on and oil light flashed a few times started her up pulled out n floored it it jumped back once again and then when letting of the throttle i heard the (bosch DV) whooosh, then i thought omg ive split the dv
"well on my other thread i posted about last night when out the dv pipe flew of and the jubilee clip flew away so i had to drive home at 20mph as when it let the air out it would stall well i pulled over looked under bonnet and it had done the same again except it would run as the maf was not plugged in therefore it was not sensing the leak (i think) the reason it blew of last night was because i hadnt tightnened it enough well when changing everything back to stock today i tightened the DV as hard as i could and i mean hard so how the hell has it blown off again !! FF'S THIS IS REALLY PI
anyway i dont think its the maf as i ran with it unplugged and it was still jumping back! what else could this be loose pipe? it mainley happens when booting it in 2nd at high revs it will jump back quite sharply and mainley when say coming up to a roundabout in 3rd slowing down to about 30 in 3rd then putting footdown u can feel it hesitate and jerk all the way up the revs
please can somebody point me in the right direction