Starting Problem

I went on holiday about a month ago, didn't start the car for like two weeks. It started first time when i did it.

But later again that day i tried to start it, it didn't wanna start.

my problem is this, i tried to start it tick over but it wouldn't idle and engine was shaking lots. I tried pumping the gas pedal but no reaction no fuel no rev but after holding the key a while it ticks over and the rev is there.

Since that one time i've had it now and then trying to start.

What would be the cause?



Arosa Sport
May 23, 2006
A long while ago my fuel pump was dieing and this was the similar symptoms i got.

I would get it going but the car would only idle, no accel or any reaction for that mater from the accelerator when pressed.

When it failed to start I would crack the fuel pump one and it would work again (only recommened as a tempory fix mind you!) its located under a black screwed on cover under the rear seats.

One way to check if it is this, when it fails to start. Get out of the car lock it, then unlock it and open the drivers door. Upon opening the drivers door you should hear the short ''HUMMMMM'' from the fuel pump. If you dont this is one sign it aint working right.

Check the fuse aint dikky/cracked etc think its blue 32, cant remember.

If it is the feul pump, it aint hard to fix, just costly for the part. :shrug:


The original wee beastie
Nov 12, 2006
Which garage did you take it to honey as I need to find a garage around here that remotely know what they are doing ?


The original wee beastie
Nov 12, 2006
The one in Polegate by the horse and groom ? Might give them a go. What are their labour rates like ?
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