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Start reading from page 149
Basic requirements for the Start-Stop mode
● The driver door must be closed.
● The driver must have their seat belt fastened.
● The bonnet must be closed.
● The vehicle must have travelled at more than 4 km/h (2 mph) since the
last stop.
● The vehicle cannot be towing a trailer
The system can interrupt the Start-Stop mode frequently for
different reasons.
The engine does not switch off
Before the stopping phase, the system verifies whether certain conditions
are met. The engine does not switch off, in the following situations for example:
● The engine has not yet reached the minimum required temperature for
the Start-Stop mode.
● The interior temperature selected for the air conditioner has not yet
been reached.
● The interior temperature is very high/low.
● Defrost function button activated ⇒ page 135.
● The parking aid* is switched on.
● The battery is very low.
● The steering wheel is overly turned or is being turned.
● If there is a danger of misting.
● After engaging reverse gear.
● In case of a very steep gradient.
The indication is shown on the instrument panel display, and in addition,
the driver information system* shows, .
The engine starts by itself
During a stopping phase the normal Start-Stop mode can be interrupted in
the following situations: The engine restarts by itself without involvement
from the driver.
● The interior temperature differs from the value selected on the air conditioner.
● Defrost function button activated ⇒ page 135.
● The brake has been pressed several times consecutively.
● The battery is too low.
● High power consumption