Service LCR

Taylor c

Active Member
Apr 16, 2004
I got a 2004 LCR and was wonderin is changin the oil an easy job? is the filter etc easy 2 get at and is there a guide 2 doin it on here. Well and spark change lol.

Thanks if can help.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland

You can buy a oil filter removal tool from Halfords that you push onto the end of the oil filter (if its a genuine VAG one) and that allows you to remove this with a ratchet.
The sump plug is easily removed once you take off the plastic engine under tray.
The spark plugs are reletively easy to do but some bits and piece to remove first as well.
If you've never done this before then...

Look out all tooling for job, plastic gloves, cloths, oil catch tray, socket set, spanner, oil filter removal socket and new bits to be fitted.
Drive car till engine oil is up to temperature, this makes the oil flow more easily and helps you get as much out of the car as possible.
Park car on level surface, jack up and support front end, remove under tray.
Place oil catch tray under sump plug (this will come out with a bit of force so be prepared, this will also be hot from the hot oil in the sump). Remove sump plug and leave to drain, remove oil fill cap on engine and remove oil filter.
Once all oil has drained out fit new sump plug. Fill new oil filter with new oil, smear some oil on the filter seal and clean the filter housing. Fit filter.
With new oil start filling from engine top, keep and eye on the sump plug and oil filter incase these arnt fitted correctly.
Top up with 4 litres of oil.
Take car off of supports and leave for 1 hour to allow oil to settle.
After 1 hour recheck oil level and top up till max mark.

As for spark plugs basically one at a time remove electrical connection to the coil pack, lever off coil pack. With small spark plug socket and socket extension remove spark plug and refit with new on. Make sure it is tight but not overly.
Refit coil pack and electrical connection to it.
Repeat till all done.

Hope this helps


Joined the Dark Side
Aug 13, 2007
As said above it is very easy with the Laser VW fitment fluted oil filter socket. As for the plugs one thing i would recommend is greasing the spark plug socket so that you create a good seal when lifting plugs out and putting new plugs in as if you drop an iridium tipped plug like the originals they are extremely fragile and can break. You may need allen keys/sockets to get the vacuum chamber thing bracket off.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
As said above it is very easy with the Laser VW fitment fluted oil filter socket. As for the plugs one thing i would recommend is greasing the spark plug socket so that you create a good seal when lifting plugs out and putting new plugs in as if you drop an iridium tipped plug like the originals they are extremely fragile and can break. You may need allen keys/sockets to get the vacuum chamber thing bracket off.

Good advice.
If you take a look at the N249 bypass threads when you remove the vaccum system ontop of cylinder 4 you will chuck this and it'll never be a problem again;)


New to the MK2...
Jun 22, 2009
Wish I had read this before I did the oil change the weekend, had to refil with new oil and old old filter, I just couldn't get enough of a grip on it to remove.
The filter is only 3 months old so not too bad!
Off the order a removal tool now....

james walker

cooling is the key people
May 24, 2007
retford notts
make sure you torque the plugs to the specified torque aswell... ft doenst work with plugs.

run car for 5 mins prior to oil drain to allow oil to drain out quicker and properly.

filter hand tight when you put it back on, dont retighten with the removal tool.

dont just bang 4.5 litres of oil straight in, do it bit by bit, settle then check on dipstick to make sure you dont overfill.

this with all the above makes life easy on oil changes.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
this might sound thick but do ya mean take away the n249 as well?

Taylor it's not a thick question.
You have two choices with this.

1. You can leave the N249 electrically connected to save having a CEL light on the dash. This can be tywrapped to the boost pipe out of the way.


2. You can get a resistor to connect across the electrical connections to this sensor to keep it happy