Pulling to the Right - after heavy braking


Noticed this a few times, and came to my attention Wednesday night!

Was driving along, doin a steady 70-80 mph and had a know up my arse on the motorway, so gave him a nice brake test. I then noticed that for a about 1 mile/1minute, that the car was pulling slightly to the right. After a mile, when I got off the junction, everything was ok.

It wasn't pulling whilst braking, it was AFTER.

Is this normal? Should it be something to worry about? Never noticed it before. Was literally as soon as I let of the brakes.


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
sliders sticking ? holding on slightly will cause pads to rub still and feel like its pulling slightly

check pad material thickness on all 4 to see if any are worn more at all

i'd say the drivers side will be the ones to look at but it's winter - give em a good clean out and freshen up anyway


cheers bud. Been meaning to take wheels off for a month or so now, so I could giver arches a good clean and protect for winter.

Will have to try this sunday if i get time (working 6 day weeks)


clean ya calipers up, take pads out and get all the crap thats build up out of there and re-grease it all :D