My lease is due to end in a few months and I've no interest in extending it (same price, but will be without warranty). Typical luck, I checked yesterday and my front tyres are in desperate need of replacement!
Down to the markers. I'll need to have them done before returning the car.
Now I'm loathed to chuck 2 pirellis on at 170 a corner to match what I have on the rear just to give it back for someone else, so I'm thinking of getting the cheapest budgets I can find (Autogreen Super Sport Chaser SSC5 at £145 for the pair) and seeing if they'll swap them with the rears.
Does this seem a terrible idea? I've not decided on my next car so worst case is I'd be running it for maybe 3 or 4 months if I have to go with a factory order. I do around 10k miles pa mixed motorway and town, and drive it normally.

Now I'm loathed to chuck 2 pirellis on at 170 a corner to match what I have on the rear just to give it back for someone else, so I'm thinking of getting the cheapest budgets I can find (Autogreen Super Sport Chaser SSC5 at £145 for the pair) and seeing if they'll swap them with the rears.
Does this seem a terrible idea? I've not decided on my next car so worst case is I'd be running it for maybe 3 or 4 months if I have to go with a factory order. I do around 10k miles pa mixed motorway and town, and drive it normally.